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    Your Elvenar Team

Daily Player with Steel/Scrolls, and soon Dust


I want to get into a fellowship that needs Steel Scrolls and dust and one that has regular visits to the members. I play off and on all thru the day and am a daily visitor, but am having trouble growing in this world because the majority of the fellowship I am in now produces steel and they don't visit like they should to help out other members. I am ranked only at 5287 but will grow fast once I am in a fellowship that fits my needs better. I do not have un-boosted manufactories so I depend on fair trading within my fellowship to get those goods.
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Hello GrandmaChrys,

We are currently recruiting members and I think that you would fit well with how we are building our fellowship. Please take a look at 25 Kingdoms and check out our description. If you like what you see and where we are going, please contact me directly and send me an application. I look forward to hearing from you.



Balacazar, TY for asking, I have already found a fellowship through a friend of mine and am quite happy for now. I appreciate your response to my request and wish you well!


I know you have chosen a fellowship, but you would fit very well into ours as we only produce boosted goods too. We are looking for members with the same mind set.
Check us out, we are called Friendship Hall
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