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    Your Elvenar Team

Daily Players Recruiting


New Member
US3 Server World of Felyndral
We are a laid back group of active players that work together to get 10 chests in tournamnet and strive for bronze in spire
We are looking for players that want 10 chests in tourney & GOLD in spire.
Must be active and not demanding.
Grow your city at your own pace but please be active in:
Tournaments - Daily participation required
Fellowship Adventures
Spire (chapters 3 and up)
AW - KP list help
Neighborly help
2 or 3 star fair trades (boosted goods)
Come join us!
Samwise Gangee - Archmage


Active Member
If you send some of your active players to Ceravyn to play with us- ( we have been a Gold Spire teams for over a year)
Then, I will consider coming to join you on Fely. ?? lol, a LOT of players have left the game, in several worlds! and it is up to us to make some smart merges.