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    Your Elvenar Team

Dead cities


Well-Known Member
How long do dead inactive cities last for? I have some near me that have not changed any in months. It would be nice to get rid of them so I can get some active neighbors.


Well-Known Member
How long do dead inactive cities last for? I have some near me that have not changed any in months. It would be nice to get rid of them so I can get some active neighbors.
If somebody spent any actual money on the city, then Inno is not going to delete them. Hopefully you have marked that you want to be moved to a better map location. It takes a while, but they do move cities.

Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
I was in a desert for a long while. I finally sent a ticket in game asking about how to get more active neighbors. Received the usual answer about making sure I had auto-move ticked. Went on pc as I usually play on app and it doesnt show there. It was ticked so I unticked, exited, logged back in and re-ticked. Don’t know if it was my support ticket or unticking & re-ticking or the combo of the two but a week later I was in a better place on the map.


Well-Known Member
I was in a desert for a long while. I finally sent a ticket in game asking about how to get more active neighbors. Received the usual answer about making sure I had auto-move ticked. Went on pc as I usually play on app and it doesnt show there. It was ticked so I unticked, exited, logged back in and re-ticked. Don’t know if it was my support ticket or unticking & re-ticking or the combo of the two but a week later I was in a better place on the map.

You do see the auto move option on mobile? I play exclusively on mobile, and haven't been able to find it. I do seem to have a decent number of neighbors, and there are frequent changes.


Well-Known Member
You do see the auto move option on mobile? I play exclusively on mobile, and haven't been able to find it.
I believe you have to log in to the browser version to change this setting. I think it defaults to "on" but can't say for sure.


@ getmomo,
I have been quite fortunate I guess. I have kept anywhere from 20-25 active neighbors for quite a while. I've been an Elvenar player for about 2 years. Some quit the game and usually new active members come on. But, I have to keep checking my World Map to see the new ones and sometimes I bug the heck out of them until they participate :D Haha. I have to say Inno has gotten better, in the last 6 mos or so, about deleting the dead cities. No complaints from me.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
The move option is indeed only in the browser version of settings (under Account tab). My other city just got moved this week! Both of my cities started out on vast swaths of desert everywhere, but it was pretty bad in my new city. There were days when my trader was 1 page long since my fellowship seems to also be able to sustain themselves by osmosis too. Moving is an automated process if you have that option set and Move-In Day happens on Mondays. I used to look for new neighbors on Mondays to fill in the desert, but this week I became the new neighbor myself! I feel like I've been dropped into a big metropolis by how hopping my new map is with activity. Now I can clean up my spring equinox sacrificial altar to the Moving Gods. You've been spared (for now), Watchful Winter Owl!


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Make sure allow automatic movement is checked and hang in there. I've been moved, twice even on Beta! When you find yourself in a developed 'hood with lots of large active players, uncheck it.

Also, this is where a good fellowship is crucial. Play with a mix of levels, hopefully with a couple who can trade at your level, full or mostly full, all active players. And don't be afraid to move on, it takes time to find the right fit. Also, some folks get hung up with being in the top ranks but there is no shame in pinning down the bottom. Just think: that's 20 or so players who can support and advise you. Your time will come to lead, for now relax and enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
@Lelanya, I lucked into an active fellowship that was looking for someone with a marble boost -- by sending a mail thanking someone who took my trade for marble. Now I am trying to grow big enough to provide them the marble they need. They are very good about taking my trades and giving me good advice. Last tournament we got 10 chests!

It would be nice to have neighbors though. Then I could help my fellowship as I grow by looking for trade opportunities in my neighborhood.

I have had the move allowed box checked since I joined, but I unchecked it and checked it again (and saved) just in case.

@crackie can I borrow your sacrificial altar to the Moving Gods? I suppose it's too much to hope that it also provides culture.

Deleted User - 1178646

If somebody spent any actual money on the city, then Inno is not going to delete them. Hopefully you have marked that you want to be moved to a better map location. It takes a while, but they do move cities.
3 years, not never.
European law doesn't allow unlimited hoarding of data. so every information needs an end date.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies.....Im in a great fellowship so I get all the trades I need from there, just wanted some neighbors :) Ill stick it out for a bit and if it doesnt get better may ask for a map change. If I do get a map change do I have to start over with scouting?


Well-Known Member
I am on the edge of Arendyll and about 1/3 of my neighbors are gold coins. Only one or two are active at all.
I'm on Arendyll too, and have noticed just about every other time I go into the world map, another one is gone. I'm about in the middle, so I imagine it's even worse for you on the edge. Fortunately, I'm in an active FS.


Well-Known Member
@MagicPagan, I got moved toward the center about a week ago. A lot of the cities around me are dead, but now I have several active neighbors, and no more coin cities.
I was moved in Arendyll sometime during the night. New neighbors seem to be more active, and not a tree stump in sight.