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    Your Elvenar Team

Direction arrow


How about placing a direction arrow on the World Map so that you can know which direction your city is located.
I was just visiting a player using the rankings tab, after visiting their city I clicked the World Map button/icon at the bottom and was placed at the city I had just visited on the World Map. I had the slightest clue on which direction I needed to go to head to my city. Granted I may have been a million provinces away, but it would have been a big help, and I could have spent some time scrolling from that location toward my city.


LoL. It's nice to see what's at other parts of the map. A direction arrow would be nice, but especially if you are trying to locate specific people in relation to your position. If you just want to get back to your city on the map, the cross-hair icon in the middle (at the bottom of the screen) will center you back on your city on the map.


Yes so true, would have been the easy way of getting back to my city. Wanted to see which way and how far the Top players were from me, wanted to scroll my way back. Just a arrow in the return to city button would do.


Yes an arrow would be nice. If you trade with someone a few times, and visit them to see how far away from being a "neighbor".


Love the arrow, really comes in handy. Thank you Elvenar team, :D