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    Your Elvenar Team

Discord server

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Well-Known Member
There's an Announcement about the new, official Elvenar server on Discord.

If you already have a Discord account and want to use it on that server, you need to log in to the browser version of Discord before you click the link to join the server.

Otherwise, the system will take you through a new account creation process. It does not give you the option to log in to an existing Discord account.

That happened to me this morning, despite having the Discord app open already.


Well-Known Member
This did not hold true for me. I opened the Elvenar app, clicked on the "Join Discord" link and was immediately taken to the Discord app and accepted the invite to join the server.


Thinker of Ideas
Honestly, i think this is going to be a failure compared to fourms. Its easy to get lost in the 8 million posts in discord. Forums have an inherently built in system that is easier to navigate and find what your looking for. Forums are just cleaning and more organized. Discord is going to end up being blocks of pointless text. Multiple different topics all skewed together. The loss of the fourms will be a big downfall in the limited communication we get form inno already. Its quite sad. - Im guessing its a cost cutting thing, but still.. sad.
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