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Does using relics negate production bonus?


I know that production on boosted goods goes up when you collect enough relics. If you use relics in the Magic Academy and they drop below an increase threshold do you lose the boost percentage that having that relic would have provided?


Yes you do lose it
That is why everyone is focused on the Mountain Hall it helps to offset the loss of relic boost


When you build the academy it takes some small amount of relics. When you make spells it's all non-boosted relics

The Aw's also have a boosted relic build cost at Lvl 1,6,10 and the in between stages the costs are in non-boosted relics.
In general it takes about 8 relics (+-) before boost % moves up or down- there is a chart in the wiki under relics if you want to see the jump point #'s


The Aw's also have a boosted relic build cost at Lvl 1,6,10 and the in between stages the costs are in non-boosted relics.
Ancient Wonders requires goods + 9 revealed runes to build and to upgrade from level 5 to 6. Every other level upgrade requires relics of which the majority is your boosted relics. To get a mountain hall to level 10 for example will use 59 of your boosted tier 1 relics and 38 of the other two nonboosted tier 1 relics combined.