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    Your Elvenar Team

Dragons Keep

Needs 2 Active, Friendly, Fun and Helpful player who wants to enjoy having a great time playing with friends and playing with great people. It’s simple if you like doing the adventure, Spire , visits we LOVE to have you. But it’s your choice. Everything you do is your choice here. Except visit are a must. If this is a type of fellowship for you contact me King of the World or just apply, you will have FUN
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hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
i feel ya, recruiting is never ending .. you'll have 25/25 all topping spire and doing 3k+ in tournamnet, trades flying off the shelf, and then get a post about a member or two that are up and quitting the game for whatever reason and back to needing members.. good luck


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
316 people have read this but only one joined us!!! Maybe I need a different approach? What do you think?
Remember there are less new players on the forum. Most new players don't know up from down, let alone know a forum exists. The viewership of players here are likely already in FS. Few are looking to join or switch. If you're an archmage, you need to pound the pavement as well. Won't have much success hoping you can just post an ad on the forum and be done with recruiting. Don't be discouraged though. Recruiting is hard™ for everyone!