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Dwarven Portal


New Member
Do I need a Dwarven Portal and granite mines and copper foundry, anymore since i got a Fairy Portal Site, Day and Night farms?? i don't see any new requirements for granite or copper at this juncture for these resources? Let me know if these resources are needed at Goblin/ orc research level (I'm not there yet). i think of destroying the mines and foundrys to make space for my Fairy Day/Night farms. Thanks in advance for your advice!


Oh Wise One
Once you finish Dwarves the only use left for copper and granite is upgrading your roads to Dwarven Streets. I do recommend making enough granite and copper to do this. The culture boost is rather nice. But as soon as you do this, you can get rid of the mines and foundries. There is going to be a quest early in Fairies that says to sell your Dwarven Portal. Don't get rid of the portal until you see that quest.


New Member
Once you finish Dwarves the only use left for copper and granite is upgrading your roads to Dwarven Streets. I do recommend making enough granite and copper to do this. The culture boost is rather nice. But as soon as you do this, you can get rid of the mines and foundries. There is going to be a quest early in Fairies that says to sell your Dwarven Portal. Don't get rid of the portal until you see that quest.

Thanks for tnfo