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    Your Elvenar Team

FA-Someone please help me decide


I've been put in charge of the FA in a followship of new people who have said, "Yes! Just tell us what to do and we'll do it!" I'm a new player myself (although this is my second FA).

I don't know how to decide which paths to follow, and no-one is contributing any ideas or arguments; they just want me to decide.

We have about a dozen or so of each of the 1- and 2-day badges in stock or in progress. We can get more, but I do need to know what to tell them.

p.s. I have downloaded the wonderful spreadsheet put out by elvengems. It has information, but I'm not good with deciding what to do with it.

Crow Last Elf

Well-Known Member
Are you going to pick one colour for each stage or try to change between paths?

I strongly recommend picking one colour for each stage.

Crow Last Elf

Well-Known Member
A fellowship that says "tell me what to do" is a dream and a nightmare.

Anything you can do to make it easier, choose that option.
Does new people mean small cities? If there are not many wonders, you would want to avoid the paths with Wonder society badges.

If my fs told me to tell them what to do, now that the FA has already started, I would ....
1. Pick all 3 paths from the start and stick to it unless it is clearly not viable. Selecting from the beginning helps those who will plan.
2. Split all of the badges that require a long time equally between all players (adjusted for big size differences in cities). As the FA progresses, those that can make more will.
3. To make it easiest on myself, I would tell 1/3 of the people to match their badge production to the even waypoints, 1/3 to the odd waypoints, and I would ask the most active 1/3 to watch which waypoint the fs is currently on and make badges to complete it. But anybody can place badges on any waypoint on the path. This while making the badges identified in #2. Your fellows need to learn how to schedule production for themselves once you give them their piece of the plan.
4. Recruit a few people who understand the plan and help you guide others in chat, etc.
5. Some form of inventory reporting routine like email or a shared spreadsheet is necessary to be efficient, but maybe seeing the difficulty of being inefficient this time will help the fs do better next time.

Good Luck! Sounds fun (like a migraine is fun)!