Chef - Loquacious One
Yes @Enevhar Aldarion, I know. That's why I believe it is up to us as PLAYERS to impose our will in the trader and NOT accept the trades we consider unfair, not to be the cash cow that other players can profit from. WE have to make the difference. We have to ignite the change. I cannot and will not forbid anyone in my Khel fellowship from posting the trades, but I have already told them that I cannot take them. I don't have that kind of hoard. I will do what I can for my crew when I can. But I don't post them or take them unless it is arranged for one reason or another. If I notice the one and zero star trades from small cities, I reach out and ask them why they posted that way. If they are desperate to move on with a tech, I may take it, but if I look at their stats and I don't think it sounds true, I don't take them. I've become very mean as a player that way. I verify everything.
Yep, and organizing and calling for actions that influence the markets in a manner that reduces overproduction is all so quite acceptable so long as it's using market forces, and not social coercion.
The rebalancing of the markets is exactly what you would get if you simply said: any offer is okay to post and if you trained people to NOT take trades they think are unfair. In general, except for miss-clicks, nobody takes trades that are not fair in their own mind, the intangible factors being part of the trade. If I need it "now!" then that makes what is offered worth more. I, therefore, may take a trade at that time when I wouldn't at another. So we agree, that it should be, "take the trades you think fair and ignore the others." That's an open market approach and I like it. And it's what I have said I, now, do. ""cross tier trades should be fine and I do take them as I need."
Now here's the thing about the following chart. Yeah, the "5000" and the "15000" sort of look alike, but the "no stars?" That's a pretty clear signal that you might need to STOP clicking and check. Miss-clicks are a pain (who hasn't done them?) but they are self-inflicted pain and the poster shouldn't be blamed when it's pretty clear you didn't stop and read the screen. Assuming all the trades are "fair" by you definition is not the wisest thing even if it does make it easy to just click away and take everything! As the Roman said, "caveat emptor."
Just the right sort of quantities to catch people in the mid chapters through miss-clicks. I hoped it was a mistake, but the only response to my message suggesting so was an increase in the number posted.
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