I always find so many companies ideas for making revenue so backwards... maybe its jsut me.. but it seems to be the opposite of what they should do. (Games in general, not specifically aimed at only inno).
So many make the game tedious as hell and boring to try and get ppl to spend to make it less tedious and slightly less boring.
Those are the games i tell to piss off. I wouldnt give a cent to them. Where as games that are at least interesting and have the appearance of not just trying to screw me over at every step... those i would be willing to drop a little bit here and there. I unno, maybe im the one thats backwards..
But thats one reason iv, so far, liked this game from inno. It may take a while for things to get developed and implemented... but they have shown that they are listening and trying to improve the games UI.
FA over the last couple years is actually a good example. Anyone that remembers the days of the two square quest windows on the left of the window for fa badge quests.. having to decline 10 quests to get to the one you want. Collect that one badge. Then decline 10 again to get back... collect the second badge... repeat 10 million times. We could only have two quests active at once. Anything that went over the amount needed for the badge was lost. Anything gained while the quest was not active was lost... couldnt collect multiple badges (carry over)... Coin badges were all kinds of fun -_- because neighborly help meant clicking on each city to go in to it.. finding the building you wanted to give neighborly help to (which was not always easy to do), giving the help. Going back to the world map and locating the next city. Repeat over and over for every cit yon the map..
Today its so much better because of the UI improvements inno made. Looking back, im not sure how any of us could keep our sanity doing that the old way...
But inno seems to be making UI improvements to better the game. Where as many others would make that first horribly tedious system on purpose and keep it that way.. or make it worse.. to try and get ppl to spend money. ><
So i can respect that concept of trying to make it better for the ppl.
These coin amount updates tho.... are not helping the ppl. They are not even 'balancing out the game'. Its just been a massive annoyance that slows everyone down.
And fa's still have more room for improvement! i could do another report on that alone! Hey inno! Im available as a consultant