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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Adventures 2022

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Chef - loquacious Old Dog
@Dreamyn2 Thanks for the link to the png image. But, as I said, that means I have to use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to change it back to text (i.e. a table with values in each box). The time it would take me to figure out how to do that, and to do it, would be more than just typing the values out for myself -- which is something I'm trying to avoid. Do you know where the original spreadsheet is and if it's accessible to others?



Oh Wise One
Welp. It's about that time again.

Time to attack a bunch of buildings with the Blue Light of Judgement Teleport spell and start making people live out of various mining facilities while forcing them to work unholy hours at grueling paces in terrifyingly unsafe environments. The pit's deep enough in one of those facilities to dumpster all those unwanted nice, soft comfy beds that my g(rem|ob)lin-sized plank manufactories are pumping out, right? Our village tinkerer loves having more toolboxes than they've got fingers among their whole extended family, right? Dwarves love having fountains and altars hiding around every corner and quarter mile of minecart track, right? My builders will be happy on call trying to constantly upgrade super sparkly wonders that are supposed to be ancient but was most definitely NOT there yesterday, right? Nobody's going to question where all those baskets of groceries are coming from and why there's a slight coppery smell on some of the fruits, right?

... right???

*hides in a corner*
Hey copper is a necessary mineral for the body!


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
While I agree with jim4nof regarding the necessity of accessing Facebook for some things, it would have been received better if he had just asked for an alternative. I too, wish Inno would realize that some of us are unhappy with social media's "censorship" (if it is, indeed, censorship -- a point we are not at liberty to address in this forum). But the platforms are so dominant you can't really blame Inno for using what probably 90%+ of the customers use. One could, of course, ask for alternative road to the supermarket so you didn't have to pay the private company who currently owns that road -- for whatever reason -- but who, in their right mind, would build a second road for 10% or less of the population? Especially when the price of using the existing road is more inconvenient and/or annoying than costly?

That's my take, anyway.



Oh Wise One
It looks like I will be in a position to advance chapters during the fellowship adventure. I know the cost of certain badges such as Sack of Coins or Golden Bracelet are determined by what chapter you are in. What I'm wondering about is if it fixed for the duration of the FA by what chapter you are in when the FA starts? If this is the case, then advancing chapters over the weekend would not impact me for the FA. Or will switching chapters raise the cost of these badges immediately?


New Member
Can you please update your home page too. I can not find any info on this new FA and which version it is. Latest information is from 2019. Come on please.


Can you please update your home page too. I can not find any info on this new FA and which version it is. Latest information is from 2019. Come on please.
Fellowship Adventures starts in the Live Worlds on Thursday June 9th at 12:00 German ECST (EST 06:00).
Here is all the information you need:
1. Fellowship Adventures June 2022: https://tinyurl.com/5n84ne54
2. Fellowship Adventures Master File: https://tinyurl.com/mrxayvjt

These files can be opened on a normal PC without any special programs.

Note that the version we had in Beta Server is usually identical to the Live version - but occasionally there are minor differences.

This was on previous page in this post. This is current info.

Lady Dastardly

Well-Known Member
It looks like I will be in a position to advance chapters during the fellowship adventure. I know the cost of certain badges such as Sack of Coins or Golden Bracelet are determined by what chapter you are in. What I'm wondering about is if it fixed for the duration of the FA by what chapter you are in when the FA starts? If this is the case, then advancing chapters over the weekend would not impact me for the FA. Or will switching chapters raise the cost of these badges immediately?
I've wondered about this myself. When I was in a position to do the same thing I was too chicken to try it to see what would happen. Hopefully someone will have braved it and can provide an answer.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
It looks like I will be in a position to advance chapters during the fellowship adventure. I know the cost of certain badges such as Sack of Coins or Golden Bracelet are determined by what chapter you are in. What I'm wondering about is if it fixed for the duration of the FA by what chapter you are in when the FA starts? If this is the case, then advancing chapters over the weekend would not impact me for the FA. Or will switching chapters raise the cost of these badges immediately?

I have changed chapters during a FA before, but it was a while back, and I am trying to remember. I think the amounts increased, but Inno may have changed that when they changed around the badges. @helya may be able to check on that.


Well-Known Member
But the platforms are so dominant you can't really blame Inno for using what probably 90%+ of the customers use.
actually we can, cause thats a defeatest attitude... whats wrong with having the 90%
forcing monopoly platforms to reform ??
One could, of course, ask for alternative road to the supermarket so you didn't have to pay the private company who currently owns that road -- for whatever reason -- but who, in their right mind, would build a second road for 10% or less of the population? Especially when the price of using the existing road is more inconvenient and/or annoying than costly?
last time I checked, surface roads were all gvmt owned. even toll roads, like highways...
are not the end connected roads and can be avoided.
This is why, the term... infrastructure... applies here.....

Now, Zoof was a bit...... blunt, yet the sentiment wasn't. Yes there are pockets
of "pushback", but most either are Lazy or Cheap and thus take the easy way out.
They just use whatever is already there, no matter how oppressive/restrictive.

While in public there is no expectation of privacy, nowhere I know of allows a
company/gvmt to be able to put a device on each person ( not criminals with
ankle bracelets ) that are 3fold.... audio/video/gps tracking/recording on everything
you do, from the time u leave ur house, till the time you return.
"doubleclick" ( bought by google long ago ) does this very thing digitally to anyone
using a browser, in the online world of the internet. ( dark web is more secure, I hear )

I agree with Zoof, I have 0 social media, I avoid google like the plague, I will not feed
the beast, nor will I voluntarilly carry around the mark of the beast. (smartphone).
I also have a serious problem with governments allowing private companies to force
people to give up what rights they have. Nothing will change untill enough people
rise up and demand thier rights back.....


Well-Known Member
I am going to be incredibly upset if the thing that just booted me also nixed all the badges I was collecting.


Well-Known Member
actually we can, cause thats a defeatest attitude... whats wrong with having the 90%
forcing monopoly platforms to reform ??

last time I checked, surface roads were all gvmt owned. even toll roads, like highways...
are not the end connected roads and can be avoided.
This is why, the term... infrastructure... applies here.....

Now, Zoof was a bit...... blunt, yet the sentiment wasn't. Yes there are pockets
of "pushback", but most either are Lazy or Cheap and thus take the easy way out.
They just use whatever is already there, no matter how oppressive/restrictive.

While in public there is no expectation of privacy, nowhere I know of allows a
company/gvmt to be able to put a device on each person ( not criminals with
ankle bracelets ) that are 3fold.... audio/video/gps tracking/recording on everything
you do, from the time u leave ur house, till the time you return.
"doubleclick" ( bought by google long ago ) does this very thing digitally to anyone
using a browser, in the online world of the internet. ( dark web is more secure, I hear )

I agree with Zoof, I have 0 social media, I avoid google like the plague, I will not feed
the beast, nor will I voluntarilly carry around the mark of the beast. (smartphone).
I also have a serious problem with governments allowing private companies to force
people to give up what rights they have. Nothing will change untill enough people
rise up and demand thier rights back.....
Wait. Where did I say or hint anything about not having or wanting to be or use social media platforms? I could've sworn I stayed away from that topic like the plague! The most recent thing I thought I said on this thread was about a light-hearted take on the deleterious actions a dedicated-to-FA player has on their city's populace. Is someone ghostposting for me again?

Every bit of it was true, though. Are you reading my mind?


Well-Known Member
this fa seams to be quite a bit less effort especially collecting wonder society . now can we get a mass collect and queue. do i remember that on mobile i am on pc only.
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