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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Adventures 2022

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this fa seams to be quite a bit less effort especially collecting wonder society . now can we get a mass collect and queue. do i remember that on mobile i am on pc only.
Probably bc we have the runes we can spend now which count towards wonder society badges as well I'm guessing? (Not positive)


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
@helya, these additional increases to druid staffs and wonder society badges were not mentioned in the announcement. Can you confirm if this is a glitch?
I didn't see an announcement for necklaces either. I could have sworn that you only needed 3 t1s to make a necklace last time, not four.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
The overflow on collecting and badge requirements are same as last FA and were changed in the last FA.
Are you sure? I was positive that necks took three t1s last time. Maybe I'm having a brain dead moment, but I could have sworn it.


If I remember correctly only some of the changes were announced, after beta there were more that came with the live version that nobody knew about last FA.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Yes, it was 4t1=1 necklace for the last FA, which was first time with all the changes. I do remember that bc was like what the heck lol when I saw it last FA. But before that it was only 3.
Thanks ... I guess I did have a brain freeze.

Thanks to Crackie too.

Rainfall Fury

New Member
Moved my post to here! Developers please give us a way to put our items in storage as a fellowship so we can work smarter as a team. We could really use your help here!
We’re a young fellowship from different time zones. Why can’t we put our items in a fellowship storage? Coordinating with fellows who are asleep, working or spending time with their families makes it really hard to get anywhere. Of course I’m tkful for our star players but even those get burned out. I’m to the point where I’m frustrated with the fellowship adventure and plea with the developers/marketers to make it more fun and not so impossible to advance.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Several things....

First, your FS of 21 players has 10 inactives (black triangles), which means half of them are not contributing anything even outside FA because they aren't even playing. The good news is you're the AM so you can boot them. The bad news is recruiting is a thankless and endless job.

We’re a young fellowship from different time zones.
Second, you can leverage this to your advantage. I am the AM of a FS that just turned 1yo in May. We have a lot of new players. Here is an example of a chap 4 city that went all in on bracelets. She averaged 7 bracelets every 3hrs. Since she sacrificed her T2s and T3s in favor of all T1s, we took care of her T2/T3 needs. She also knew to stock up on those before FA knowing she's putting them away. She anchored our bracelet needs up til the final 2 hours of FA when she finally ran out. I also put all my factories away knowing a smaller city's got our bracelets. Teamwork.

If you want to talk time zones, I've got Aussies/Kiwis, a bunch all over Europe, and scattering from East Coast to West Coast North America. We can't have Pit Parties because the time zone difference is too wide. Some are a full day ahead of everyone. BUT time zones work to your advantage in FAs because we have farmers/blacksmiths rolling in at various points throughout the day as people's overnights are collected sometimes mid-afternoon in my time zone. Work with who and what you've got. Play smarter, not harder :)

We finished with 70k+ points last FA, but we're taking it easy this FA bc too many people are on vacation, traveling for work, or experiencing health issues. There's no point in going all out when we'll just end up middle of the pack. We know when to pick and choose our battles and don't go all out every FA. That's how you avoid burnout too.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
I am in 2 fellowships on this server with about 10 active players. Our Winyandor FS has been grabbing map 3 rewards for a year now, and doing some pit rounds as well, without a badge pool. It's about teamwork and cooperation.

Kind of wondering why you're wearing a Beta Forum mod's face, as well, @Rainfall Fury, it's a bit confusing to be honest. The in game faces are reserved for staff so I understand.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who designs this FA but they don't know how to play the game. For example, 84 ghosts? Are you nuts?
That's one whole floor of Spire for all 25 people in a Fellowship with 16 badges leftover.

Though it's probably better to pick some of the other paths first. Save a highly limited resource and pick a path that lets you(r fellowship) better cheese their way through with carpenters, blacksmiths, necklaces, and statues made from the sort of industrial park if FEMA were allowed to build it instead


Well-Known Member
Except that is the opposite of working as a team.
Teamwork requires communication and planning.

I swear 80% of the suggestions I see here are, "Give us better prizes and make so we don't have to do a dang thing to get them"
I’m one who says we deserve better prizes, but I don't expect to work any less for them. You should see how much my instants pools have decreased since this fellowship started.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Someone posted this on EN forums. Winner of FA on Khel in German server scored over 200k. I have seen 100k+, but diggity dang! Poor number 2 did 155k and didn't win for that insane effort too.

Source: https://de.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/ga-juni-2022-rankings-congratulations.25129/
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