AND - TM: my FS, HO, has been #2 throughout this FA....until y'all started plonking in your saved-up collections. Don't like that strategy...but, it's 'legal'.. soooo... whatever.
It wasn't me! The Number 1 Rank is from my fellowship on DE 1.
To be honest I never was plonking saved-up collections. In FAs I have always dreamed of having a collection of saved up badges but I never succeed to do so because moving fast forward on maps and in the pit never allowed me a big collection of badges.
But I remember having suffered a great disappointment back in the days when I challenged the fellowship of my former CM on DE 1.
They did exactly what you've described. They waited untill the last hour to score several thousands of points and overtook us.
This was long ago, nowadays we are usually ranked at 2 or 3, (and they somewhere in the 60ties) maybe this time we will make it on rank 1 for the very first time on DE 1. We will see.
On US-2, W-World, where I am playing on US, we are ranked at
So again: "It wasn't me!" My little orc town on US-2 is still way to weak and to small to be involved in the Top-10.
Give me a few years and I will maybe do stuff like this on US-2 too.