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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Adventures Discussion 2021

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I for one can function properly most of time without even knowing what day of the week it is. I'm self-employed and the distinction between weekdays and weekend doesn't matter that much either.

Has anyone read Julian Barbour's The End of Time (I almost wrote Julien because it sounds to me like a French name)? I re-read it every time I travel by plane.

The Fairy

Scroll-Keeper, Buddy Fan Club Member
I for one can function properly most of time without even knowing what day of the week it is. I'm self-employed and the distinction between weekdays and weekend doesn't matter that much either.
Yup, retired last year, now it's all Saturdays

But the days are different:
Sunday: spire starts
Tuesday: tourney starts
Friday: spire ends
Saturday: tourney ends


But the days are different:
Sunday: spire starts
Tuesday: tourney starts
Friday: spire ends
Saturday: tourney ends
Yes, the days are different. To you.

About a month ago I was surprised to hear from our archmage that the tournament always starts on Tuesday. I had never noticed.
The same about the other things you mention.

From time to time, people check the time to make sure everything goes well with their schedule. I tend to do the same with the days of the week.


New Member
Since I was told you guys don't monitor the Facebook page and I should post it here...
Starting the FA on a Thursday is horrible... you wind up trying to get a lot of badges you need for Stage 3 when there is no tournament or spire available.. That is just mean. Seriously... the majority of the FA is when there is no tournament, and you need that for any chance to get enough of 4 different badges... At least that is the case if you are not in a very competitive FS and have a lot of players pushing everything for it. It should start on Monday or Tuesday to make it doable for smaller FSes to at least get through 1 path on all 3 stages... The big guys can vie for rank, I just want to get through it.


New Member
And another thing... I don't know if it has been said before, but it would be good if you could take back a badge that was contributed to an unfinished dot on the FA... in case people put them there by accident...


Oh Wise One
EVERYONE online or reliant on business or government, as nearly everyone also is, uses UTC based systems.

Given that GMT was deprecated in the early 1970's and replaced with UTC then, use of "everyone" in that context which references world legal and technical official standards, and systems that nearly universally (universally for servers and most serious net functions) calibrate to that via NTP, at least in carefully selected uses and stipulated conditions, such language can be precise and accurate.

People using the term "GMT" in the last several decades also cause confusion over the meaning of BST, or BS-Time.

France won the fight with England 50 years ago, in that French as a legal spec for that primary time standard results in UTC spelled out translating to "Coordinated Universal Time". Urban Dictionary might suggest a variant called "Coordinated Universal Network Time". But, blame stodgy Brits, and France, for England retaining GMT as their term for UTC-0 as standard time there in winter, versus BST as British Summer Time springing forward an hour. How wonderfully clear to munge a deprecated standard into a local time zone ongoing name. Too bad no one was around to musckster them when needed?

When Inno CM's have copied and pasted notices about events in CEST in winter, it's clear they have little functional literacy in job duties, not that the EU Parliament didn't cause major headaches bumbling around and even implementing and then withdrawing one proposal to scramble EU Summer Time by order of law there.

Inno's operation of a global game based on Hamburg local time, whether CET (UTC+1) or CEST (UTC+2), further scramble things in that while both are usually 6 hours ahead of EST or EDT, the dates of seasonal shift change, such that there's a 1-3 week offset period, and a history of staff or server admins down the street making changes that end up shifted an hour after that interlude, as if Inno needs to test HR for their capacity to test new hires for basic functional literacy in that key issue of international business and tech.

Everyone competent to be a functional adult in our global village has those functional literacies.

What does that imply, given the history of hostile anti-intellectualism movements, or the fact that very few people have any clue how complex time systems are, and why? (Note that includes the idiot Italian physicists who published a report claiming to swap photons with CERN faster than C, because they failed to grasp accurate use of precision GIS time standards.) Maybe they were trying to misapply BS-Time? ;-)

Really not sure how this babble was a response to what I said.

Fiona Selah

Well-Known Member
My biggest issue with the new badge specifications is that they don't stack. They should stack. They are so concerned with the number of clicks... thus changing the tourney to reduce this for the people who hated it.... they should really stack the badges because when you collect the CC's from the MA, if you have a fully functional MA that cranks them out at a decent rate, if you aren't literally tied to the game, you lose badges and that well, it makes me say bad words in my head. I can't afford to miss them and I can't afford to lose the vision vapor for the residue badge..... just saying.

Hi. You may already do this, but one of my FS buddies suggested that we alternate CCs and enchantments, that way we can go more hours in between pick-ups and not miss badges as much. Then we get to use those enchantments for more badges. Cuz We need those Stinkin' badges!


Well-Known Member
Hi. You may already do this, but one of my FS buddies suggested that we alternate CCs and enchantments, that way we can go more hours in between pick-ups and not miss badges as much. Then we get to use those enchantments for more badges. Cuz We need those Stinkin' badges!
Yes, you can start in the MA - CC, PoP, CC, Pop, CC and stretch out the collection times.
That does nothing for the VV that you get for the Arcane badge.
Great to get a PP spell for 23VV and a Royal Restoration for 25VV and a phoenix artifact for 28VV or the Wonderful 10 CC's for 40VV that is over 115 VV and you can only get credit for 40 VV
I like the option that we have to highlight what path to work on. (would like it better if I could prevent people from adding to nodes not on the selected path, but I know that won't happen)

A nice feature that would not unbalance the game would be to highlight particular nodes with an X or some indicator requesting that a particular node be ignored. (needs 60 arcane residue and we know that we won't have that many, etc)

I'm not asking for the power to block that node. My fellowship members could open the node and add in whatever they wanted. But it would be the equivalent of putting up a stop sign. "Hey, don't add to this one." Doesn't keep people from driving through, just asks that they don't.


Well-Known Member
And another thing... I don't know if it has been said before, but it would be good if you could take back a badge that was contributed to an unfinished dot on the FA... in case people put them there by accident...
It took me a while to find the thread I was looking for. @Huor suggested back in July the possibility of adding a "lock" to the FA paths (https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/fellowship-adventure-path-lock.27686/) that aren't chosen by the AM/Mages for the FA to follow to prevent badge placement. (The opposite of what @Fimbul Fambi is saying, actually, as Huor's idea would stop the placement of badges if a path had been selected with the tool provided.)

@Darielle pointed out that there are instances where someone, during an FA, will not be able to place a badge due to being afk for whatever reason. Which is a valid point - just this AM, in one of my fellowships, a member was finally able to get on and place a badge on the map where we've been holding on a waypoint for over a day.

@SoggyShorts pointed out that the devs gave a kind of either/or vote on locks versus a path. And probably because of situations where someone might need to just pop a badge into a waypoint that the FS doesn't intend to complete solely so they can get the stage rewards, the highlighted path option was the majority consensus. (At least, that's how I read Soggy's post.)

Soggy (or someone else who plays on Beta) could probably shed more light on why the highlighted path was chosen over the lock.

@Lelanya's post has the most in common with your suggestion: an undo button for the placement. As that thread is archived, you are more than welcome to start your own suggestion thread in I&S and reference that one. There's a "Read Me": https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/ideas-and-suggestions-read-before-posting.27826/

There are also alternative suggestions before the community regarding alterations to the FA at the moment:


Oh Wise One
Just curious, has anyone seen a bear conversion recipe since the FA started?
Yes, 3 times now

But the days are different:
Sunday: spire starts
Tuesday: tourney starts
Friday: spire ends
Saturday: tourney ends

yep, this is how I know what day of the week it is..retired here as well.

[QUOTE="fckm, post: 231009, member: 17163

When Inno CM's have copied and pasted notices about events in CEST in winter, it's clear they have little functional literacy in job duties,

Not cool, not cool at all. It is one thing to say you don't agree or that you dislike what they are doing. It's totally another to call them functionally illiterate. You went too far.


Well-Known Member
I see those conversion artifacts daily, sometimes multiple times daily, since the fall event. I hope I see at least one as soon as my team grabs the third flag on my first sever. My brown bear needs big boy pants.


Well-Known Member
I'm still hoping to see one...
I feel you! I finally got one in the one city I could use it in (needed the artifacts for the red panda in the other two) this afternoon. Before the FA started? Saw the conversion recipe 3 times. After the FA started? Nothing until 12:08 PM EST today (11 Oct). So I did finally get one there, thankfully.

Hopefully it'll show up for you soon!

Lemon Wren

Well-Known Member
Is this a thread where it's appropriate to complain about the FA's? They come so frequently, I hate choosing between being a team player or not destroying my city, the prizes aren't worth it to me, and please, for the love of mercy - no more excel spreadsheets to map out pre-planning.

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