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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Bank


One member of the fellowship be allowed to build a bank. Here each member can store excess gold to be used later instead of using the excess to purchase KPs which might not be required at the time.


if this was the case, there would be no reason to upgrade the main hall which is your own personal savings bank. And you don't have to the excess amounts to buy KPs, the wholesaler is where you can spend extras on goods...overpriced, but useful.


The Coin dilemma is interesting, isn't it? Inno uses the limited storage of Coins to force play into specific directions...in some instances, this may prevent players from misunderstanding priorities and getting stranded somewhere without having progressed via Coins. For players who want to have maximum personal choice, this can be frustrating.

As you progress, you'll have less choice and more of this passive (not so passive! lol) structuring. This has been the focus of a few threads here and in Beta, since Inno introduced game changes mandating certain new processes.

Personally, I think it would be fun to have as the game matures. They're unlikely to make it available to early players, but it could be a later addition. It's a unique idea, too - nice thiking!


A Fellowship Bank has a simply ENORMOUS potential for abuse, and likewise with other forms of gifting. Somebody would only need to make a few mule accounts, pop them all into the same Fellowship, and then use them to feed farmed coins/supplies/goods to their main account.

I very much prefer the current limitations, whereby a 1:4 by value trade, and contributed FPs, are the only things that can be pushed.