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    Your Elvenar Team

fellowship disbandment timer


So I was in a pretty active fellowship, Everyone was nice and did NH daily, it was running smoothly. Yes we lost a few members but we was getting new ones. Also some of the members had been in that same fellowship since day one of the game! yet despite all this greatness the Archmage up and disbanded the fellowship today without any warning or reason given to us. Just one sec we was trading the next boom gone! There was no drama or anything going on as far as we all can tell. she just put inactive in her city name so my thing is this why should all 25players suffer the lost of a great fellowship when only one wants to leave ~even if it is the founder? Is there a way to put a timer on disbandment? Like if a Archmage clicks disband it tells all members that in 24hours the fellowship will be no more.(The archmage could still leave when they click disband) That way players have a chance to form a new fellowship amongst themselves or it gives them time to find a fellowship to join. I think that this would be a good thing to have as Elvenar can lose players bc of bad fellowship etiquette like what I said above that happened to us. I almost said forget it and turned the game off!
Anyways we did start a new fellowship called Llanellyn but couldn't find all our old members bc we had no warning and had no way of getting everyone's names to find them. Had to just go by the names we did have and our memory!


Hi Superslurpee, .. i'm sad to read that happen to your fellowship.

I agree, notification to the fellowship that disband was chosen, and a disband timer is set, would be better for the member to have a chance to discuss regrouping.
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she just put inactive in her city name
That's... that's horrible. I've thought seriously about quitting, but doing so in such a way as to disregard everyone else is... *shakes head* I have no words. I'm sorry this happened to you. I think when an Archmage chooses to disband, a fellow (either with longest membership or Ambassador status) should have the chance to keep the fellowship going by being appointed the title that was so thoughtlessly thrown away.

Deleted User - 312108

I know I would personally either hand it over to the most active player or call for a volunteer. But, if you recall most of the names of the people (and it should be in your log for visitors for a little while), you could recreate it and invite your former fellows.


I think this is a good idea. Two comments:
  1. Please don't rush to judgement on the archmage without knowing her circumstances. Perhaps there was a death in her family and she was overcome by grief. Who knows...

Valid point, no one can know the reason they disbanded the Fellowship without knowing that player IRL and having an honest talk with them or seeing them.However, if they had enough time or thought to log on and rename their city as "Inactive" , a quick all Fellowship message saying they had something come up IRL or were simply unhappy with the game would have only taken a minute. And it would have only taken a minute to appoint a Mage to Archamge and send them a message saying they had something come up and would no longer be playing. Thus, the Fellowship would have remained and the members would not have been cast to the wind.
I have been gaming competitvely online since the days of Civony. Gaming since Pong came out. (Yes, I am "old")
And I remember when there was more etiquette and courtesy shown by gamers. And less rage, and rage quits. Seems like that has been almost lost now. Just saying... :(


Point well taken, RezaGard. There should have been enough time for those actions.

Rage quits with Pong were actually beneficial to standerbys, who would have a chance at a free game... Look ma! No quarter! :) BTW, that was my first game as well. I remember the first time I played vividly. And then a few short years later, I went on to shoot for the Asteroids world record--not once, but twice. :)


Point well taken, RezaGard. There should have been enough time for those actions.

Rage quits with Pong were actually beneficial to standerbys, who would have a chance at a free game... Look ma! No quarter! :) BTW, that was my first game as well. I remember the first time I played vividly. And then a few short years later, I went on to shoot for the Asteroids world record--not once, but twice. :)

Lol! I rage quit Asteroids so many times it was not funny. But I had the home Pong "console" and first Atari systems. And rage quits meant my little sister got a chance to play, since my bro and I hogged them both. :D


So I was in a pretty active fellowship, Everyone was nice and did NH daily, it was running smoothly. Yes we lost a few members but we was getting new ones. Also some of the members had been in that same fellowship since day one of the game! yet despite all this greatness the Archmage up and disbanded the fellowship today without any warning or reason given to us. Just one sec we was trading the next boom gone! There was no drama or anything going on as far as we all can tell. she just put inactive in her city name so my thing is this why should all 25players suffer the lost of a great fellowship when only one wants to leave ~even if it is the founder? Is there a way to put a timer on disbandment? Like if a Archmage clicks disband it tells all members that in 24hours the fellowship will be no more.(The archmage could still leave when they click disband) That way players have a chance to form a new fellowship amongst themselves or it gives them time to find a fellowship to join. I think that this would be a good thing to have as Elvenar can lose players bc of bad fellowship etiquette like what I said above that happened to us. I almost said forget it and turned the game off!
Anyways we did start a new fellowship called Llanellyn but couldn't find all our old members bc we had no warning and had no way of getting everyone's names to find them. Had to just go by the names we did have and our memory!
This just happened with the fellowship that I'm in (in Felyndral) like about 15 minutes ago. Fellowship completely gone. No warning. Just out of the blue, gone.


Sorry, didn't have time to read everything posted above, so if some has already been said, forgive. :)

We had someone who just quit arbitrarily in one of my worlds, and she just put the highest person point wise in as archmage. That was the best case scenario.

In another world, someone just stopped playing/disappeared. They couldn't be released and the game didn't wipe their acct after 30 days because they had a fancy culture building bought with RL coin...so we were stuck leaving the fs and starting our own. That was a pain. I've been through both kinds of changes, and honestly, just putting someone else in your place is easy enough, and sending out a mass message to explain RL was interfering, see you all later, worked out fine...a surprise, but fine. Once you are gone, you don't receive any of the email responses to your announcement message, so that person would not have known how their message was received...but it was still the right way to handle it.

Best would have been to stay 24 hours and field questions, receive people's good wishes, and move on. I did that as a member in one fs...told them ahead of time why I was leaving, then waited till they all knew, completed my visits for that 24 hours cycle so they wouldn't lose out because I left...sometimes there is just a right way to do things.


sometimes there is just a right way to do things.

which to be honest is what I expect, from a gaming community like this. let's just do the right thing, and communicate what is going on. I know from my own experience that just about every gaming player I've ever known, we all get hardships and are happy to help each other through what ever challenges we are facing.