So I was in a pretty active fellowship, Everyone was nice and did NH daily, it was running smoothly. Yes we lost a few members but we was getting new ones. Also some of the members had been in that same fellowship since day one of the game! yet despite all this greatness the Archmage up and disbanded the fellowship today without any warning or reason given to us. Just one sec we was trading the next boom gone! There was no drama or anything going on as far as we all can tell. she just put inactive in her city name so my thing is this why should all 25players suffer the lost of a great fellowship when only one wants to leave ~even if it is the founder? Is there a way to put a timer on disbandment? Like if a Archmage clicks disband it tells all members that in 24hours the fellowship will be no more.(The archmage could still leave when they click disband) That way players have a chance to form a new fellowship amongst themselves or it gives them time to find a fellowship to join. I think that this would be a good thing to have as Elvenar can lose players bc of bad fellowship etiquette like what I said above that happened to us. I almost said forget it and turned the game off!
Anyways we did start a new fellowship called Llanellyn but couldn't find all our old members bc we had no warning and had no way of getting everyone's names to find them. Had to just go by the names we did have and our memory!
Anyways we did start a new fellowship called Llanellyn but couldn't find all our old members bc we had no warning and had no way of getting everyone's names to find them. Had to just go by the names we did have and our memory!