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    Your Elvenar Team

Felyndral Server Collecting Goods BUG


I am having a problem with collecting my goods. Right now I can collect coins but I cannot collect my shop goods they are ready but I can't collect them keeps going to upgrade and not collecting.


Check the capacity of your Main Hall. It's likely that you've reached the storage cap.


Check the capacity of your Main Hall. It's likely that you've reached the storage cap.

I think that's right but I'm not sure my Main Hall is upgrading and its says I reached my Cap. So you are saying it isn't a bug but my Main Hall Cap has been reached and I should wait the 5 hours then see if I can collect my shop goods is this right.


Or train a bunch of troops or start some goods. Both of those actions soak up some supplies.


Strange, I was checking my FB and when I closed the tab I collected a few of my shop goods but not all of them.


I am training a bunch of troops, coins are a making working fine, Main Hall upgrading next 5 hours, but still I only collected a few shops goods. I am going off most of the night movie night Jurassic World. I did send in a ticket let them work on this issues.