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Finding Marble Provinces


Very NEW, to the game. I have lots of questions, but only 1 now that I can't guess at. I have to Scout Marble Provinces and solve Encounters to complete a Quest. I have visited the World Map and scouted/solved several Provinces. I have only found 1 Province that is Marble. I understand that the cost keeps increasing, so I don't know if I can go further afield.


You will come across more. You can curser over the undiscovered ones to see if you are going towards one.


The world map tessellates.


A hexagonal representation I made, similar to Katwijk's list I suppose:

grey squares are cities,
green is tier 1 ressource; M=marble, W=wood (planks), I=steel (did I for iron cause there is so many S'es)
white/blue is tier 2 ressource, S=silk, Sc=scrolls, C=crystal
yellowish is tier 3, G=gems, D=magic dust, E=elixirs

Pattern repeats infinitely in all directions.