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Free Land

Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
I just experienced a glitch when I clicked on the Move icon. Free land expansions appeared in my city. I was going to go on a building spree but as soon as I moved a building and placed it on a land piece, I received an internal error message. When I refreshed and returned to my city, the free land was gone. Arrrr!


I just experienced a glitch when I clicked on the Move icon. Free land expansions appeared in my city.

When you move an item, all the grids around your city light up. They are spaces you own and also spaces you can purchase. This might have been what happened in your case. you thought it was free but it was really just showing you the expansions you could purchase.

Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
When you move an item, all the grids around your city light up. They are spaces you own and also spaces you can purchase. This might have been what happened in your case. you thought it was free but it was really just showing you the expansions you could purchase.

No Jewess, the grid did not light up. The spaces appeared the way they do when you have placed a land expansion. It was a glitch in the game for the internal error message to pop up and the game froze. When I refreshed the game, everything went back to normal. No free land. Arrrr!


I experienced this once a couple of months ago and it has never happened since.


We are currently investigating this issue, if this has happened to anyone else, please let us know!


It happened to me once a couple of weeks ago but I suspected that the system would say there was an internal error and log me out to refresh which it did. I knew it was probably going to result in a glitch since I normally use my expansions once I get them.