dont start a statement saying you dont understand my point then follow it up with saying im lieing
We used to have a more direct line of communication with the devs in the way the suggestions and ideas sub forum was run. Where players could mention ideas and discuss them and try to work it out. Then put it to a vote. Those voted (i think it was +10?) got forwarded to the devs. Who then would in turn directly reply to the suggestion/idea. Be it in our favor or against it, we would get a direct reply.
The last i was told, this system is long gone and has not been restarted; and currently has no intentions of being restarted in any way. Which is why i said our more direct line of communication with inno is gone. - And that is true.
As for 'no suggestion left untreated' ... It might be true that the mods here have to sift through every post. Maybe even collect ideas/suggestions. Im not faulting the mods here at all. They have the hardest job of all. Middle man to angry players and inno.. They all have my sympathies and respect. - I mod some animal groups where we are often dealing with potential life and death issues. Its not an easy job. So i bare no animosity towards the mods at all.
On the flip side tho is inno themselves. Them i do fault. It might be true that they still get our feedback and ideas and suggestions. But when is the last time there was a general community feeling and belief that inno was listening and responding to said feedback and ideas in a positive manner? Hell, when was the last update that you can recall that had an over all community happiness? We need a DeLorean to go back that far. ... .... ... Maybe the FA badge collection update? That was a big update/change. Anyone that was here before the current system was put in place knows how dreadful that old system was. I get chills just thinking about it. So when that update/change came, it was massive for the FA's. And applauded across the board. And i was first in line to sing there praises on it. Cause that was a true accomplishment and a true example of how things should work. There was a lot of negative player feedback on the old FA badge system. Inno heard it. Inno took it seriously. Inno spent time in creating a new collection system. Then they introed it into the game. After that first fa after the change, praise for what inno did was wide spread. And i was one of them. - Thats about the last time i can recall feeling that great here. Feeling like inno cared and the system worked. It was a gloriouse time.
And while i dont expect every change/update to be at that level of greatness.. i cant even recall the last one that was even on the positive side period. And that saddens me. - The spire changes, the aw changes, bringing back quests that were removed because of horrendouse feedback in the past... Not good. It gives the very real feeling that inno is jsut ignoring us. Whether they get the feedback or not its very easy to see why players FEEL ignored. I hear it all the time from fs mates, and from ppl all over the variouse elvenar groups im in. That feeling of being ignored is wide spread across the community. - And the remeoval of the more direct line of cummincation in the ideas/suggestions section makes that feeling of being ignored even larger. The attempt inno made to shut down the fourms all together, makes these ppl feel not only ignored, but that they dont matter at all to begin with.
So as long as inno keeps doing things to make players FEEL ignored, as long as they keep trying to remove any real substancive forms of communication between them and us.... This problem will only get worse.