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    Your Elvenar Team

Feedback Future of our forum


Active Member
I am really happy to see this. A lot of players will not use Discord (quite apart from its functionality - or lack of - it is a horrible, intrusive app with very poor security). Plus the Forum's searchability is a huge plus. Thank you.
Totally agree! Discord wants all your personal information. Will NEVER join it.
Glad to see the Forum back to having some info about our game.
If we have a game, with so many people leaving ...


Thinker of Ideas
They buried it in the Chapter 22 announcement, towards the end:

"Oh, and one last thing... From now on, you'll also find all our announcements on our Official Forum!"
wow... how pathetic... One single line at the bottom of an unrelated post...

If the forums truly came back, like they should, that would be big news. Basically, it sounds like they are just going to leave it as is, and let mods post announcements again. Which, considering a lot of players had just posted threads of the events or topics, its not a big change. - The only change (from viewers stand point) is that the mods can start the thread with basic info before we players chime in on it. (Which is why i tried to post basic info on post #1 when i started a thread. And let the second post be for my thoughts.) - And mods (i assume) can add the little 'Feedback" tag we see on the main thread page. (Which is probably the biggest thing right now. Which is odd to say.)

So inno killed most of these forums a while back. Got rid of most of its usefulness. The 'direct line' of communication with the devs. The ideas and suggestions; voting; forwarding; replies. Even the link in game to get here. Then announce they will get rid of it entirely. Were unsuccessful in that. So they 'announce' they will leave it as it. Said announcement is a single line, buried in a post, and a post about something completely unrelated, at that. None of our features that made this place better will come back. No line of communication coming back. They wont even add the link to get here back to the in game cities. And then said they would push new players (and all players) to discord still.
What they will do is not hammer that final nail in the forum coffin. And let mods post announcements here again.?

ummm.. hurray?? 0.o

So new players not only have no way to get here, and many probably wont even know this place exists.
Older players are dwindling here because many have been quitting every time inno does an 'update'.
And traffic will purposely be diverted away from here and towards discord.
... ... ...
So basically, inno will treat the forums like they treat the game the last couple years. A slow, agonizing, highly irritating.. death.

I mean.. its forums... its not a hard concept. And they are already here. Its not hard to make them useful. They could make this place the most useful tool they have. Instead were left with this...


Well-Known Member
Why would anyone read a post like this (including Inno)?
I guess because of being interested in what that person was writing after the first three word.

In my experience it was and is always good to read the whole text before juding about it even if the first three words may sound a little rude.

Noone want's to blame or even to insult anybody.

People like for example @Dominionofgod seem to like to speak out clearly and open minded what they are thinking.
Why should I ignore it, it does maybe show a great passion for the good old forum - just maybe not in the way I would have imagined it to be.

Plus I guess this could be classified as honest feedback - just my personal impression. :)

Edit: If I had to pick out some feedback out of the post below it would be:

1. The "disappointment" of having the rebirth of the original Elvenar forum not well promoted on Discord, just "offtopic" in a
subordinate clause.

2. The disappointment of having no ingame link back again when reopend

3. The wish of having a hot wire to the devs department, maybe something like the Q&As Elvenar had back in the days. (I did really like this ;))
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Well-Known Member
It is insulting.
Ok, you have perceived this as insulting. But why?

Did you decide to shut down forums? Did you decide in which way the announcement on Discord had to look like?
Are you against an ingame link to the official Forum or have you done anything against this?

This seem to be the only possibilities to feel insulted by this. I might be wrong but I guess you were not responsible for this, were you?

So it might be that you feel or felt insulted by this, but I actually can't see any meaningful connection.
What shouldn't mean that there cannot be one, I might overlook somehow.

Cannot remember that anyone asked specifly you to do favors to anybody and I am not really sure about what those favors would be?
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Thinker of Ideas
People like for example @Dominionofgod seem to like to speak out clearly and open minded what they are thinking.
Why should I ignore it, it does maybe show a great passion for the good old forum - just maybe not in the way I would have imagined it to be.
Iv been on here for about 8-9 years now. Iv seen how things have changed in the short term and in the long term. Back when inno was listening to players, i had reason to be happy and optimistic. And my posts reflected that. When inno was sending out changes that were actually helping the players, i had reason to be happy and joyful and excited. And my posts reflected that. Now that inno has been ignoring players and giving out horrific updates that screw us over.... my posts tend to reflect that as well. And after 8-9 years... i have lost the desire to be subtle and tactful. And treating inno with kid gloves certainly wasnt helping anyway. So i tend to be highly direct in what i see and how i feel about it now.

It is insulting.
Attitude reflects leadership.

Silly Bubbles

You cant pop them all
Ok, you have perceived this as insulting. But why?

Did you decide to shut down forums? Did you decide in which way the announcement on Discord had to look like?
Are you against an ingame link to the official Forum or have you done anything against this?

This seem to be the only possibilities to feel insulted by this. I might be wrong but I guess you were not responsible for this, were you?

So it might be that you feel or felt insulted by this, but I actually can't see any meaningful connection.
What shouldn't mean that there cannot be one, I might overlook somehow.

Wow, that's a lot of assumptions. I personally don't like angry, insulting messages on a gaming forum that should be fun. I don't read it and I am just asking a question why would anyone read it. And yes, I avoid anger, it's not pleasant, rudeness leads to anger, anger leads to aggression, aggression leads to violence. Now, I don't understand why others find it ok to read it and that's why I'm asking the question. Civilised way is much more productive.

Attitude reflects leadership.

I don't see Inno using insulting words.

Guess Whos Back ?

Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Hello :)

wow... how pathetic... One single line at the bottom of an unrelated post...
You had a post entirely dedicated to the forum and your return! https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/future-of-our-forum.38590/

The 'direct line' of communication with the devs. The ideas and suggestions; voting; forwarding; replie

I didn't understand this part, even when the forums were not used, you could create a ticket or even use discord to share your suggestions.

Now that the forums are back at the request of the community, why do you say that suggestion topics cannot be used?

No suggestion or bug was ever left untreated, even when the forums were not used they were read by the team.

Please do not make statements that do not reflect the truth! :)


Well-Known Member
I personally don't like angry, insulting messages on a gaming forum that should be fun.
This is pretty understandable, I don't like this very much too, it maybe is creating an inadequate atmosphere to humans and elves.

But I guess if somebody doesn't like anything she or he should be able to write it down here in her or his own words.

Not everybody will express oneself in the way I would do or like to read, this is pretty clear to me.
It is all about diversity and maybe accepting even a loudmouth like me as I am. :)


Thinker of Ideas
Hello :)

You had a post entirely dedicated to the forum and your return! https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/future-of-our-forum.38590/

I didn't understand this part, even when the forums were not used, you could create a ticket or even use discord to share your suggestions.

Now that the forums are back at the request of the community, why do you say that suggestion topics cannot be used?

No suggestion or bug was ever left untreated, even when the forums were not used they were read by the team.

Please do not make statements that do not reflect the truth! :)
dont start a statement saying you dont understand my point then follow it up with saying im lieing ;)
We used to have a more direct line of communication with the devs in the way the suggestions and ideas sub forum was run. Where players could mention ideas and discuss them and try to work it out. Then put it to a vote. Those voted (i think it was +10?) got forwarded to the devs. Who then would in turn directly reply to the suggestion/idea. Be it in our favor or against it, we would get a direct reply.
The last i was told, this system is long gone and has not been restarted; and currently has no intentions of being restarted in any way. Which is why i said our more direct line of communication with inno is gone. - And that is true.

As for 'no suggestion left untreated' ... It might be true that the mods here have to sift through every post. Maybe even collect ideas/suggestions. Im not faulting the mods here at all. They have the hardest job of all. Middle man to angry players and inno.. They all have my sympathies and respect. - I mod some animal groups where we are often dealing with potential life and death issues. Its not an easy job. So i bare no animosity towards the mods at all.
On the flip side tho is inno themselves. Them i do fault. It might be true that they still get our feedback and ideas and suggestions. But when is the last time there was a general community feeling and belief that inno was listening and responding to said feedback and ideas in a positive manner? Hell, when was the last update that you can recall that had an over all community happiness? We need a DeLorean to go back that far. ... .... ... Maybe the FA badge collection update? That was a big update/change. Anyone that was here before the current system was put in place knows how dreadful that old system was. I get chills just thinking about it. So when that update/change came, it was massive for the FA's. And applauded across the board. And i was first in line to sing there praises on it. Cause that was a true accomplishment and a true example of how things should work. There was a lot of negative player feedback on the old FA badge system. Inno heard it. Inno took it seriously. Inno spent time in creating a new collection system. Then they introed it into the game. After that first fa after the change, praise for what inno did was wide spread. And i was one of them. - Thats about the last time i can recall feeling that great here. Feeling like inno cared and the system worked. It was a gloriouse time.

And while i dont expect every change/update to be at that level of greatness.. i cant even recall the last one that was even on the positive side period. And that saddens me. - The spire changes, the aw changes, bringing back quests that were removed because of horrendouse feedback in the past... Not good. It gives the very real feeling that inno is jsut ignoring us. Whether they get the feedback or not its very easy to see why players FEEL ignored. I hear it all the time from fs mates, and from ppl all over the variouse elvenar groups im in. That feeling of being ignored is wide spread across the community. - And the remeoval of the more direct line of cummincation in the ideas/suggestions section makes that feeling of being ignored even larger. The attempt inno made to shut down the fourms all together, makes these ppl feel not only ignored, but that they dont matter at all to begin with.

So as long as inno keeps doing things to make players FEEL ignored, as long as they keep trying to remove any real substancive forms of communication between them and us.... This problem will only get worse.

Silly Bubbles

You cant pop them all
dont start a statement saying you dont understand my point then follow it up with saying im lieing ;)
We used to have a more direct line of communication with the devs in the way the suggestions and ideas sub forum was run. Where players could mention ideas and discuss them and try to work it out. Then put it to a vote. Those voted (i think it was +10?) got forwarded to the devs. Who then would in turn directly reply to the suggestion/idea. Be it in our favor or against it, we would get a direct reply.
The last i was told, this system is long gone and has not been restarted; and currently has no intentions of being restarted in any way. Which is why i said our more direct line of communication with inno is gone. - And that is true.

As for 'no suggestion left untreated' ... It might be true that the mods here have to sift through every post. Maybe even collect ideas/suggestions. Im not faulting the mods here at all. They have the hardest job of all. Middle man to angry players and inno.. They all have my sympathies and respect. - I mod some animal groups where we are often dealing with potential life and death issues. Its not an easy job. So i bare no animosity towards the mods at all.
On the flip side tho is inno themselves. Them i do fault. It might be true that they still get our feedback and ideas and suggestions. But when is the last time there was a general community feeling and belief that inno was listening and responding to said feedback and ideas in a positive manner? Hell, when was the last update that you can recall that had an over all community happiness? We need a DeLorean to go back that far. ... .... ... Maybe the FA badge collection update? That was a big update/change. Anyone that was here before the current system was put in place knows how dreadful that old system was. I get chills just thinking about it. So when that update/change came, it was massive for the FA's. And applauded across the board. And i was first in line to sing there praises on it. Cause that was a true accomplishment and a true example of how things should work. There was a lot of negative player feedback on the old FA badge system. Inno heard it. Inno took it seriously. Inno spent time in creating a new collection system. Then they introed it into the game. After that first fa after the change, praise for what inno did was wide spread. And i was one of them. - Thats about the last time i can recall feeling that great here. Feeling like inno cared and the system worked. It was a gloriouse time.

And while i dont expect every change/update to be at that level of greatness.. i cant even recall the last one that was even on the positive side period. And that saddens me. - The spire changes, the aw changes, bringing back quests that were removed because of horrendouse feedback in the past... Not good. It gives the very real feeling that inno is jsut ignoring us. Whether they get the feedback or not its very easy to see why players FEEL ignored. I hear it all the time from fs mates, and from ppl all over the variouse elvenar groups im in. That feeling of being ignored is wide spread across the community. - And the remeoval of the more direct line of cummincation in the ideas/suggestions section makes that feeling of being ignored even larger. The attempt inno made to shut down the fourms all together, makes these ppl feel not only ignored, but that they dont matter at all to begin with.

So as long as inno keeps doing things to make players FEEL ignored, as long as they keep trying to remove any real substancive forms of communication between them and us.... This problem will only get worse.

This community is a two way street. This thread is a proof that Inno wants to improve things and they just get mainly criticised for it. The focus here is picking on every little tiny thing ignoring the big good.

And before someone says again that I work for Inno, all I do is supporting game I love and appreciate that it's for free. And yes, maybe I should be paid for it. :D


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
I make good use of the Ignore button, personally. I can choose to read a post by said individual without having to read their drama every day, and I can do the same on Discord as well.

I absolutely  love this Forum, always have, probably always will. Bless you all for staying the course, you are dear to me, all of you who have continued to post here. I even miss Brin.

Silly Bubbles

You cant pop them all
I make good use of the Ignore button, personally. I can choose to read a post by said individual without having to read their drama every day, and I can do the same on Discord as well.

I absolutely  love this Forum, always have, probably always will. Bless you all for staying the course, you are dear to me, all of you who have continued to post here. I even miss Brin.

I have never used the button, everyone has something good to say sometimes plus I like to know what is going on. And yes, I do feel blocked by some people. :D

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
i do like the abiliy to 2-D my city and sell hidden bldgs without worring about clicking the wrong thing, that was a good update, but on the whole they have taken out the ugly stick and beat the hell out of the game for a couple years now

edit add: dog interuptus ha so i was going to post, what is being said is true even if some don't appreciate how it's being said, i was raised by boxing enthusiast that loved to debate, the gloves were always handy next to a wall of encyclopedia's, so say it how ever you want is fine by me,

not all change is good and not all challenges are worthy of an effort
also for those on discord (not me) spam the feed with the forum link
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Well-Known Member
Maybe the FA badge collection update? That was a big update/change. Anyone that was here before the current system was put in place knows how dreadful that old system was. I get chills just thinking about it. So when that update/change came, it was massive for the FA's. And applauded across the board. And i was first in line to sing there praises on it. Cause that was a true accomplishment and a true example of how things should work. There was a lot of negative player feedback on the old FA badge system. Inno heard it. Inno took it seriously. Inno spent time in creating a new collection system. Then they introed it into the game. After that first fa after the change, praise for what inno did was wide spread. And i was one of them. - Thats about the last time i can recall feeling that great here. Feeling like inno cared and the system worked. It was a gloriouse time.
True, I was pretty happy about this change because it really improved the playability of FAs a lot.
A very good example of how feedback and following changes are able to really improve the game!

i do like the abiliy to 2-D my city and sell hidden bldgs without worring about clicking the wrong thing, that was a good update
Yes! I really love this option a lot and I am using it very much. The search function in inventory was a very handy change too and to me and my gaming an improvement of Elvenar.

The thing with the latest, in announcement so called "improvements" is that they on the one hand seemed to put a more challenging character on at least parts of the game and on the other hand they seem to be thought and implemented in order to make more revenue as fast as possible.

Of course a game can be only improved and kept alive if (enough) revenue is made, that is pretty clear to me.
But those drastic "improvements" of ancient wonders and spire seemed to not be perceived as a real inprovement by most humans and elves.
In my eyes this is why not everybody is just happy partying and some might feel a little or a lot dissapointed by latest changes.

Reducing diamonds in spire might be a way to gain revenue but maybe not the "happiest way" to do so.
Sometimes @InnoGames seems to not being able to catch up some more happier ways to generate revenue.

For example, why didn't they offer another Tidal Hoarder after last FA, for diamonds, real money or whatever?
Them small 1x1 set pieces that could be won in last FA were only usable to those who had won 2 Tidal Hoarders in Event by royal prize lane, or to those who didn't had it placed already.
FA-prize seemed to be a steep template for generating revenue and remained unused by @InnoGames.

To me it seems a little like they only like to take away from the game instead of offering something ingame that could help making revenue and I really cannot understand this - at least for now. :)

I will lean back and keep on following my former playstyle. Patiently waiting what the next changes will be. ;)
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Guess Whos Back ?

Community Manager
Elvenar Team
ont start a statement saying you dont understand my point then follow it up with saying im lieing ;)
We used to have a more direct line of communication with the devs in the way the suggestions and ideas sub forum was run. Where players could mention ideas and discuss them and try to work it out.

I still don't understand your observation, even when the forums weren't "used" to publish announcements you always had the suggestions tab available, just like it exists on our discord.

And every week, a analysis of all suggestions was carried out, analyzed and forwarded to the development team.

You can also join our discord, as we have a tab with this functionality as well.


But if you just want to leave your suggestion on the forum, it will be read by a member of our team.

As for 'no suggestion left untreated' ... It might be true that the mods here have to sift through every post. Maybe even collect ideas/suggestions. Im not faulting the mods here at all. They have the hardest job of all. Middle man to angry players and inno.. They all have my sympathies and respect. - I mod some animal groups where we are often dealing with potential life and death issues. Its not an easy job. So i bare no animosity towards the mods at all.
On the flip side tho is inno themselves. Them i do fault. It might be true that they still get our feedback and ideas and suggestions. But when is the last time there was a general community feeling and belief that inno was listening and responding to said feedback and ideas in a positive manner? Hell, when was the last update that you can recall that had an over all community happiness? We need a DeLorean to go back that far. ... .... ... Maybe the FA badge collection update? That was a big update/change. Anyone that was here before the current system was put in place knows how dreadful that old system was. I get chills just thinking about it. So when that update/change came, it was massive for the FA's. And applauded across the board. And i was first in line to sing there praises on it. Cause that was a true accomplishment and a true example of how things should work. There was a lot of negative player feedback on the old FA badge system. Inno heard it. Inno took it seriously. Inno spent time in creating a new collection system. Then they introed it into the game. After that first fa after the change, praise for what inno did was wide spread. And i was one of them. - Thats about the last time i can recall feeling that great here. Feeling like inno cared and the system worked. It was a gloriouse time.

And while i dont expect every change/update to be at that level of greatness.. i cant even recall the last one that was even on the positive side period. And that saddens me. - The spire changes, the aw changes, bringing back quests that were removed because of horrendouse feedback in the past... Not good. It gives the very real feeling that inno is jsut ignoring us. Whether they get the feedback or not its very easy to see why players FEEL ignored. I hear it all the time from fs mates, and from ppl all over the variouse elvenar groups im in. That feeling of being ignored is wide spread across the community. - And the remeoval of the more direct line of cummincation in the ideas/suggestions section makes that feeling of being ignored even larger. The attempt inno made to shut down the fourms all together, makes these ppl feel not only ignored, but that they dont matter at all to begin with.

You may be unhappy with some changes in the game, that's perfectly normal, however this thread is about the return of the forum.

In this case, the community has been heard and this is proof that your feedback is passed on to the team.

We ask that you please respect the initial topic of the thread.


Set Designer
And every week, a analysis of all suggestions was carried out, analyzed and forwarded to the development team.
The point of having a poll for the more popular changes was that it committed the Elvenar Team to giving a response back on the topics that were well favored by the community. Yes the ideas and suggestions are still being read by the team, but is information coming back to the players?

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
seems (to me) they are mostly ignoring responses, they don't even fix the bugs that beta tells them about before it goes buggy live, they are going to do whatever anyway, how many people quit per "improvemnt" seems (to me) to be also ignored, it's one thing to have the forum back but to what avail? inno has damaged our ability to trust they will do anything positive from here, and don't seem interested in doing anything about it, i could be wrong but i'm not seeing the try on the inno side of things