LolMaybe Inno did go after Egems. Plenty of players are still confused about who runs the site and they take their frustations out on Inno.
The Archive sweeps 1.13 Billion websites regularly, wouldn't they have already been sued to death, if what they were doing was illegal? I just checked and Gems is still on the archive.copyrights last in perpetuity. For instance... if you are using a new slogan... say Once more unto the breach dear friends once more. The games afoot. Cry God for Harry, England and St. George.... even in its abbreviated state, it's Shakespeare.... Henry V. It has been used in Sherlock Holmes and various other places. His work has been reproduced in many forms... but no one can claim ownership over the work because it is quintessentially Shakespeare. Tolkien's work, as little of it as there is... is still copyrighted. His family trust owns the copyright. Thats how most authors apply the copyright so that even after death, their work remains theirs.
I really miss having the gems site active. It helped me understand a lot of stuff about this game, especially in the beginning. I didn't always follow the advice, but I miss that perspective being there...
Still...wouldn't they have already been sued to death, if what they were doing was illegal?...You didn't answer this question, how has the Archive site been in business, publicly since 2005 and have swept 1.13 billion sites regularly, even though they are violating the copyright laws daily but still remain in business. I am genuinely curious how this would happen?The difference here is that the site gives full credit to Elvenar, hence INNOGAMES.
I have not noticed anything on that site where the owner takes full credit for anything, even their own intellectual property.
I wrote a dissertation on the similarities between different works of literature, choosing an older piece comparing it to a modern piece. One of the sections was dedicated to fantasy novels... The Hobbit/LotR versus the Harry Potter novels.... and I used direct quotes, etc as you do. I had to footnote etc. Even though the dissertation is my personal intellectual property, the actual meat of it wasn't mine. Its sort of the same thing. I didn't 'steal' or appropriate any material to represent it as my own, even though the opinions expressed therein, were my own. Just as the hints and suggestions are the intellectual property of the site creator/owner.
Still does not mean that you can help yourself to advice guides that were written by Gems' founders.
Excellent suggestion! Totally forgot we had that option, I love the Way Back Machine!I THINK...You can find "Elven Gems..." on the WayBack Machine.
Once you get on the WayBack can put ElvenGems in the search line.
Last updated posts were in May '23...I don't have the link addy...but someone must have...
copyrights last in perpetuity.