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Generating BBCode Tables



http://www.teamopolis.com/tools/bbcode-table-generator.aspx takes most of the pain out of generating BBCode Tables.
Unfortunately, you'll have to strip out all of the line breaks or else you'll get a bunch of white space just above your table, because of the way XenForo interprets characters that are embedded in the BBCode.

A simple way to strip the line breaks, if you're using Excel, is to simply copy paste the code, or an array of cells, into a text box.
We've also used td2 in order to right align the numbers.
[td2]1[/td2][td2]2[/td2][td2]3[/td2] [td2]14[/td2][td2]15[/td2][td2]16[/td2] [td2]117[/td2][td2]118[/td2][td2]119[/td2]
BBCode Tables.jpg

You may prefer to click on the upper right corner of the XenForo editing frame, and use the BBCode Editor rather than the default Rich Text Editor.
You can review the full set of supported BBCodes by clicking on Help, at the very bottom of this page, and selecting BBCodes, which will take you to https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?help/bb-codes.
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XenForo release 1.5.5 both simplified using Cut+Paste from Excel, and made it more complicated.
  • We can now Cut+Paste from Excel ranges, assuming that there are columns with the appropriate BBCode for tables, directly into the Rich Text editor. Release 1.5.5 is apparently smarter regarding how it handles new rows from Excel ranges.
  • Previously, we had to strip out the linefeeds by buffering the code through an Excel Text box or some other editor. If you use that technique now, the Rich Text Editor will only accept small tables.
  • If you switch to the BBCode editor BEFORE you insert your linefeed stripped table code, then everything seems to be OK.
  • So, if the Rich Text Editor is going crosswise on you, just switch to the BBCode editor before you enter your table data.
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