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    Your Elvenar Team

Getting near the Dark Side, the Orcs and Goblins...


I am just about ready to research the Fairies AW, the last Fairy research. Any tips for the transition to the dark side? I recall when the dwarves left my city I waited until a quest had me sell their properties. Will it be similar to that transition or, can I clear out a few night farms I don't think I need to complete the Fairy chapter.


PS Merry Christmas!!!

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I think the only thing you need to hold on to in any chapter is the portal. I do not remember any diamond-giving quests for selling anything else. Plus, chapters after that do not even do that. They give you the diamond reward for something else. I just tend to not sell anything til I have researched the next chapter's advanced scouts, in case there is something I am not expecting or in case I want to make more roads before I stop producing the materials.


Hold onto the farms until you have your streets upgraded. Then, sell everything except the portal.