Oh Wise One
I would like to be able to post a way to fix this, but am at a loss to think of any way this could really be fixed
There are lots of ideas for fixes, some better than others. The bigger question is what is the cause? The assumption been made is that "it is too much T3 goods", assuming that is the case you have to ask why are there so many T3 goods. Likely suspects
- Rankings grab - T3 factories give loads of points, so people build way more than "needed"
- Trader "abuse" - Many reasons for cross-tier but some of the big negative ones are
- Using T3 as a way to "over-produce" T1 and T2
- Trying to snag a trade from a miss-click
- Event buildings offering T3 goods
I only see 3 major options.
1. Nerf T3 set buildings (queue pitchforks and torches)
2. Buff T1 & T2 production (OP T1&T2 sets next event?)
3. Introduce a T3 sink of some kind? (Massively weight spire catering towards T3?)
These might work depending on the cause, for example number 1 is pointless if event buildings aren't the cause but very effective if it is. For me I have had pages of these sort of trades for closing in on 2 years, well before the more recent event buildings. While they may have added to the issue I don't believe they are the root cause.
For me I think the first place to start is the trader:
- Provide a cross-tier filter
- Default the trader so cross-tier trades are off
Once you have done this you can reassess the situation and if needed then something like a T3 sink is probably the next best option. As it lets people who like to over build factories especially T3 ones to still have them for points but gives a use to the excess supply. Of course you would have to design the sink to only kick in from chapter 4 once new towns have these factories and are a little established with them.
If these don't fix things then it might be time to find the sledge hammer but only if the root cause can be identified.