Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Looks like a slot will be opening this weekend. If you are a serious player looking for gold in spire with at least 100K, we'd love you to apply.
Serious players can still have fun! We are competitive and driven to succeed, but we take time for crazy events and fun challenges, with lots of kp prizes. Thornwood is a top 30 fellowship that needs another gold spire player. (Currently we make it every 2-3 weeks.) 12-13 chests in spire (sometimes 14... with you, maybe more?). No casual players please ... help us to go to top 10 while having fun at the same time. Join our Freaky Friday challenges with kp prizes, our once a month spire parties with kp for virtual food, drinks, stories and songs. And celebrate your 100K milestones and Thornwood anniversaries with more voluntary kp gifts from the gang. We aim to have fun, build our wonders, win lots of diamonds and chests and enjoy the camaraderie. The next FA will be our MAJOR PUSH, so if you hate FAs you may not want this slot. We earned 3rd place in the last "push" FA ... we'd like to do better this time. Talk to me, Darielle, in Thornwood, (Sinya Arda) if you'd like me to save you the upcoming slot.
Serious players can still have fun! We are competitive and driven to succeed, but we take time for crazy events and fun challenges, with lots of kp prizes. Thornwood is a top 30 fellowship that needs another gold spire player. (Currently we make it every 2-3 weeks.) 12-13 chests in spire (sometimes 14... with you, maybe more?). No casual players please ... help us to go to top 10 while having fun at the same time. Join our Freaky Friday challenges with kp prizes, our once a month spire parties with kp for virtual food, drinks, stories and songs. And celebrate your 100K milestones and Thornwood anniversaries with more voluntary kp gifts from the gang. We aim to have fun, build our wonders, win lots of diamonds and chests and enjoy the camaraderie. The next FA will be our MAJOR PUSH, so if you hate FAs you may not want this slot. We earned 3rd place in the last "push" FA ... we'd like to do better this time. Talk to me, Darielle, in Thornwood, (Sinya Arda) if you'd like me to save you the upcoming slot.