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Heavy Melee Shrine's?


Active Member
A building labeled 'Heavy Melee Shrine 'caught my eye last night while I was visiting a neighbor. I almost didn't see it sitting there because it fit in so nicely with a grouping of Military Buildings ( UUU, MMM & ELR ) yet it is definitely something I have never seen before. I searched around through Wiki and Elvengems for any information pertaining to this 'Shrine' that might be available, but have found nothing. Where should I go to learn more about this building, or better yet, to acquire one?



I'm not sure, but it may have been part of the special prize series that was available to the players who acquired a pass during the previous Season (Season of Dreams, I think).


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, but it may have been part of the special prize series that was available to the players who acquired a pass during the previous Season (Season of Dreams, I think).
I have one available in a Tome of the Fearless. It's from before the seasons, so there have been other ways to get them, but I can not remember what, probably in some event.


Active Member
I had searched through the past seasons buildings awards for both 'pass holders' and regular players without seeing the Shrine listed. They appear to be rare. 'Tome of the Fearless' is one I have not had the privilege of adding to my collection yet. Glandeh, what military advantages, if any, does the Shrine carry? From what I can remember there was a Valorian Guard portrayed and it closely resembled the other three Mil. Buildings. Curious



Active Member
Nice. 75% works for me. When you say rare, I'm going to have to figure these buildings are not being made available in my M.A.. I have a hard enough time catching the three major Military Buildings when they make appearances in the Academy this one would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. I was hoping that it might have been a new arrival Inno was tossing into the mix. Thanks



Active Member
I wish we could make them in the MA!

I was lucky enough to acquire 2 Tome of the Fearless and I don't even know how/when lol

I just noticed them one day when I was looking to see if I had any Phoenix tomes left.

They made it possible for me to get my highest tourney score ever along with the rest of my battle Grove.

I want more :)