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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello Hello There!


Hello there,

I just started playing last night and so far the game is really addicting and super fun. I started my own fellowship instead of joining one to see if I could meet people based on my interests alone. I have a thread set up in the fellowship forum category for those interested, or just look at my signature haha.

Anywho, I play on the Felyndral server and my IGN is Eclipticca. I'd love to meet new people, I'm very helpful so I'll most likely give aid to other players once my village gets a little bigger and I have the resources to help more.

Nice to meet all of you, feel free to PM me in-game any time! :)


Welcome to the game! I don't play on your server, but glad you are playing. Good luck developing your fellowship
Ruby :)


Welcome. I play on your server, but am already part of a fellowship. Best of luck in building your fellowship. Its fun to interact with everyone and very helpful in moving forward in the game.