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    Your Elvenar Team

Help with copper foundry


Hey there Elvenar,
I can't seem to collect from my copper foundry. I just placed my first one on a track connected to a portal but I cant get the copper that has bean made. It is gray, any ideas what I am doing wrong????


I just started having that same problem. I've restarted, refreshed, dumped my flash and browser cache on both computers I use and still can't collect. I am not maxed out. I have a support ticket in, but was curious if you found a solution JewelElf?


My portal is at level 4 and does not give me the option of going to level 5. So my copper is maxed with nowhere to go. Any ideas?


My portal is at level 4 and does not give me the option of going to level 5. So my copper is maxed with nowhere to go. Any ideas?

Build/research something that needs copper. Guest race portals max out at level 4, as well as some of the guest race factories.


Buddy Fan Club member
my copper is maxed with nowhere to go
Looking at your city, you have an equal number of granite and copper (5 each), so I'm guessing you have not checked out any of the Guest Race Guides. Here's a link to the Gems of Knowledge one:
There are also sections for each of the guest races in Mykan's Guide that is always at the top of this 'Questions & Help' subforum. This link will get you there; the name of the guest race in the topics list is a link to the details for that chapter:
Conventional wisdom regarding granite and copper factories is 2:1 granite:copper. There's just no point in making more copper because of where you are right now: it maxes out on storage and you'll be waiting on granite anyway. The Gems of Knowledge guide is an easy read and will help you wrap your head around this guest race stuff.
For what it's worth, I went through Dwarves well over a year ago in my first city. I'm now in it in my second city and I'm stuck just like you are even though I knew how to build it out, lol! I knew to watch for it, though and made sure I maxed it on the last collection, then set the foundries all to a one day production. That may be a bit ambitious, lol! I have to complete a research that requires 75K granite so I can use 1K of copper. Right now I have a little over 19K granite... And it won't take long after I get this one done and I'll be maxed on copper again and waiting on granite to be able to spend it... So far I've managed to avoid complete tech lock (that's where you can't put kp anywhere because everything is full and needs guest race goods to activate them to open the next ones) since I opened the foundries, but I recall a lot of time tech locked the first go round and expect to hit that wall soon. I'll just pour the kp into AW's when that happens.
The good news is that I also remember how much I loved the Fairies chapter. So, I know it will totally be worth it to slog through this one. And honestly, it's not as painful this time. I've learned a lot since my first time, not the least of which was to pace myself for a marathon, not a sprint to really enjoy this game.