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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello Hi new here


I've been playing the game for a while when time permits. I have yet to find a way to rotate things for better placement. Is there a way or not?



There is not. It's meant to be a challenge when creating or rearranging cities so there won't be a rotation option added in the future either. If you get stuck remember you can always erase roads and stack houses in tight to free up some room.


"Rotation" would also require twice as many graphic representations,
and all of that art would have to be download, by the time you visited several cities.

For the most part there's a pause while any missing resources are downloaded,
and then presented as a whole, but if you're watching carefully it's
easy to tell when additional objects are being downloaded.

The next step up would be a full 3d model with rendered polygons, but that would
require a dedicated client program, rather than a browser based environment.