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    Your Elvenar Team

Hmmm Interesting...


I noticed something this weekend, while watching the movie Frozen with my friend's daughter...
The name of the town they live in, is Arendelle, which is how I pronounce Arendyll.

Kinda funny :)


I saw a post once in these forums where someone mentioned Arendyll being play on a Tolkien city name but I don't know the reference.


I saw a post once in these forums where someone mentioned Arendyll being play on a Tolkien city name but I don't know the reference.
The closest I ever found searching the Tolkien Wikis and reference lists was Rivendell, nothing even close to Arendyll that i could find in and race's cities, settlements, regions.

I did find this- http://www.dragons-inn.org/Ifreann/Tynntangial/elf_eng.html an Elvish to English dictionary, but could find no direct translation of the roots that made sense. However, perhaps since Inno is a German company, I should be searching for an Elvish to German dictionary. :oops: