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    Your Elvenar Team

How do Fellowships increase their Perk points?


Do Fellowships increase their Perk points by sharing their free daily Knowledge Points or by doing some kind of daily visit?


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
I get "Perks Points" whenever I fly, rent a car, apply for a permit to launch cruise missiles, -- that sort of thing. Of course, as they say, "offer subject to change without notice," which probably explains why my cruise missile permit hasn't showed up, though some guys in dark black suits have.





Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
@bretonrae You are more than welcome !!
Just for future use in case you need it ...links like the perk link and just bout anything you might be looking for can be found on this Forum under the Sorcerers Scrolls of Knowledge;) . Its a great one stop shop !!
Then of course you have alot of us here that love to help so I hope to see more of you on the Forum, its a game in itself at times lol.

Enjoy ~


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
I'm looking for the Dental Perks Plan for my FS, but can't seem to find it. While I'm at it, I'll take the Vision Perks Plan too, if there is one. My fellows seem to be staring at the computer screen snacking on candy all day. I'm just looking out to cover the bases in case someone goes down and need a root canal or something. Sheesh, such unhealthy habits from that lot! The only things getting any running done around here are our mouths in chat...