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    Your Elvenar Team

How many Armories Do I need to be able to have more than 5 slots open?


I see enemy troops in 6 or more in a battle, how can I increase the amount of troops on the battlefield as well?



Mathematician par Excellence
You can never field more than 5 stacks at once.
You can however select the right troop types to get an advantage in a rock-paper-scissors sort of way.
Also, various wonders, evolving buildings and temporary boost buildings can increase your fighting ability as well as technology upgrades for your units.
And finally, for fights on the world map, the "squad size" techs let you bring more units per stack, so while still split into 5, your total troops on the field does increase.


Oh Wise One
Don't be too daunted by the number of squads
If the enemy fields more squads then each squad has fewer troops and is easier to kill.
As you advance and do the things Soggy was talking about, you'll be able to do one shot kills very often when the enemy has a lot of small squads.
Which evens the odds up real fast.


Oh Wise One
After reading the thread title again I think there is something else we need to explain.

Armories have nothing to do with the size or ability of fighting squads.
Armories just determine the size of training squads.
Having more or larger armories means you can train more troops at a time.
The three types of "barracks" determine the types of troops you can train.

In fighting you will always be allowed 5 squads. But the size of the squads varies according to the difficulty of the province. In tournys the difficulty increases with each province.