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    Your Elvenar Team

Hurricane Harvey Hits Elvenar Players


  1. My name is Sandra - I am Nayirra in a township that I can't remember the name of at this point. I need to get a message out but don't really know how to do it so I came here. I hope you don't mind.

    I have been playing this game for months and I love it. I am in a small community just outside of Houston TX. I am currently still in my home by the grace of God. Thousands of people (many of whom are elvenar enthusiasts) have not been so fortunate as I have been. They have lost their homes, their loved ones, and their internet. I would like to propose that all fellowships please abstain from removing people from your fellowship at this time. I am not in a fellowship at the moment but that was my choice. Over the past week I have seen so much devastation and heart wrenching loss that it has left my mind, heart and soul reeling. The only down time I have gotten in from this game. every 3 hours I can come here and forget about what is happening to my city (for just a few minutes, I find calm) I am asking that those of you who belong to fellowships please post this. I am asking those of you who are the Admins of fellowships Please don't remove anyone from the fellowships for a while, we have so much to deal with right now, some more than others. We don't have time to make the requirements of some fellowships. please don't penalize the Texas players for this. The people/players that have been devastated will need something to look forward to, just as I look forward to my little spurts of time on here. Well I am crying again or should I say still. and I need to try to check in with some loved ones who have been evacuated from their homes and from their community. Thank you for hearing me out and giving me this forum to express my concern. please share in any way that you can. invite other fellowships to the conversation. however it can be done.

    Sandra a.k.a nayirra


Sandra, I have shared this to the Beta forum, and I have it up on the UK forum as well. I hope you and your loved ones are safe, and I wish you and yours the best.
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I'm Archmage of a fellowship in Elcysandir. I have several players being affected by Harvey. I have zero intention of booting them. Everyone in the path of Harvey has been checking in when they can and giving updates as to how bad things are where they're at.

I think it would be cruel to boot them in a situation like this.


It is so good to know that they have an Archmage who 'has their back' so to speak. I hope your Fellows and their loved-ones are safe.


It is so good to know that they have an Archmage who 'has their back' so to speak. I hope your Fellows and their loved-ones are safe.

So far so good. One's neighborhood flooded, but not their house. One is being bombarded now (closer to LA that Houston). The third, I haven't heard much from, other than their flight out was cancelled.

Wherever they are, I hope they're safe.