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    Your Elvenar Team

I found a sort of 'Easter egg' in the game.

Lady Chessa

I love watching all the different things that the buildings and people do, in the game. I enjoy watching the buildings evolve and grow. I just got my barracks up to level 30 and it was a big change with the upgrade. I enlarged the screen to get a better look. I noticed the little troops coming out of a doorway on one side of the barracks and sort of oddly zigzagging across a courtyard of big stone blocks. The blocks each have a different letter of the alphabet, not in any particular order. I watched as each troop seemed to carefully choose and pic their way across, before going out of sight into a different doorway. Then I caught it. The blocks that the troops step on are E, L, V, E, N, A, and R. They're spelling out Elvenar as they walk. LOL! And if you haven't gotten to chapter 13 and the level 30 barracks, keep an eye out for it. And enlarge your screen so you can see it fully. I'm sure it will be gone with the next upgrade that I do, but for now, I'm enjoying it.
Who else has spotted this, and has anyone else found something fun or hidden in the game? If so, tell us about it and where you found it.
:smile_elf:E:smile_elf:L:smile_elf:V:smile_elf:E:smile_elf:N:smile_elf:A:smile_elf:R :)

Lady Chessa

Things like these make me sometimes wish I could downgrade my buildings. :D
You might be able to see it by visiting a neighbor who's started chapter 13. Maybe message them and ask them to give you a heads up when they get their barracks up to level 30, and then you can go see it. It's really easy to spot a city that's in chapter 13, on your map. It's the one with a big pyramid.


Set Designer
I like how the level 35 elixir manufactory features a corkscrew for moving the water up.

Elixir 35.png