Yes, still using Forum. It has thr best and most useful information. I bookmarked it in order to still access it. I have nothing good to say about Discord, which is aptly named.If anyone is still using this Forum:
What's a "Help Chest"? In my fully-loaded Sunset Tower I just noticed that it's giving me seeds for each "Help Chest".
Hello @satchmo33 as far as I know those "Help Chests", which can be collected by doing neighbourly help 3 times per day, are becoming available after building up the Crystal Lighthouse (Elves) or the Great Bell Spire (Humans).The three rewards you get each day when doing visiting.
If you haven't built this wonder yet, you will not be able to collect "Help Chests"
Ah, you are right @Pheryll Thanks for correcting me on this one!No, the wonders add goods to the help chests, but the chests are still available without the goods added in. A help chest has a random reward (a relic, a knowledge point, or an enchantment) to which the following may be added: boosted goods (crystal lighthouse/bellspire), seeds (Sunset Towers), knowledge points (fed moon bear).
Thank you so much for being here with us!Yes we are still using Forum and there are Mods here to help