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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello I'm a new player and founded a Fellowship


About me:
I'm an avid MMO gamer and have been in various game communities for 13 or so years. I was a moderator for WoWUI and EQUI for a few years as well as an interface coder.

My most recent activities has been playing Marvel heroes 2015, Rift, Tera and Firefall. I was a long time Diablo II and Everquest player. I played WoW from launch until the arrival of 'The Lich King' expansion. Last year I began playing WoW with the Pandaria expansion but have since gone on hiatus again.

This is my first browser game and I have been playing for about a week. I just graduated from 'The Arrival' and my city is progressing well.

Someone I met in game, and have been helping along, suggested I make a fellowship of my own since they enjoy my help and conversation so I did. If anyone is interested in helping this grow feel free to let me know. Here are the details:

Elves of Twilight
Archmage: Inokis
World: Felyndral


Members strive to be friendly and helpful. Beyond just a group of people, the goal is to form a community based on mutual inclusion and acceptance.

There are no requirements beyond the willingness to help others grow and prosper. This includes fair trades and without actions which take advantage of others' generosity.

If you are the type of person who wishes to form meaningful friendships, behave politely and respectfully without petty conflicts then you are welcome to try us out.

Please no use of profanity or crudeness. Bullying or harassment is not tolerated. Do not humiliate or make fun of other people, or their progress. Racism, sexism or other hate speech will result in immediate removal.

If you will be inactive for longer than 30 days please notify the Archmage, otherwise inactive members past 30 days risk removal.

Enjoy your time here :)
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Hello and welcome Inokis. Good luck with your fellowship. If you are looking for members try posting in the subforum Game Worlds > Felyndral > fellowships seeking members.
Best of luck and happy gaming!