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    Your Elvenar Team

Improving the 'Battle Upgrade'

  • Thread starter DeletedUser4417
  • Start date


Ok. While I get the 'why' of the battle upgrades and balancing it really needed to have been done in a far different manner. You feel that players in the upper tiers of the game needed to be slowed? Ok, fine. I get it. But outright cut off from battling as so many 'seem' to be complaining of?

There needs to be a middle ground and hopefully that could be this suggestion.

  1. There needs to be a standard battle modifier that is fair no matter the chapter that a player is in. Currently a beginning player in chapter I & II can't really even think about battling much as they get slaughtered due to enemy squad sizes.
  2. There needs to be an incremental increase when a person is considered to have 'over conquered'. For example for every 10 provinces a person is over the enemy forces increases by 5%
  3. If a player is ahead of their chapter count of provinces (if if they cap out at 50 and have over that amount) then their battles are limited to 1 per day. This would allow that a person could still battle, albeit at a slower but steady rate. This would alleviate most of the stymied feeling that seems to be rampant among some of the more vocal members.
The above would allow that even if a player was at end of current content they could still battle, just not at the willy nilly pace of before. It would slow them but not stop them almost completely. It would allow the pace to be controlled but in a measured and more realistic and reasonable way. It would also throw in an added difficulty to the battles should a player wish to continue battling and it's not unrealistic.


Lionsmane, thank you for this post, in many it just seems that you're being a bully and just trying to get people going.

You HAVE GOT to understand that this is NOT the feeling of only the more vocal players, this is the feeling of 95% of the players. And I only say 95% because there are a few here that defend the changes when out in the game I can't find one single player that's happy about this change. It's simply a monumental mistake that should never have been released.
You also HAVE GOT to understand that not everyone got far ahead because of greed for expansions or wanting, wanting, wanting.
In my case I went far ahead in search of active neighbors to trade with as I couldn't afford the fees.

How did I get far, far ahead? Easy, it clicked for me and I understood the tactics needed to win a battle that was too big for me and I shouldn't have won. It doesn't click like that with most players, so was I punished because "I got it," I don't think so. I don't think the percentage of players that get that far is very high, there are other reasons for the change.

Currently I've had to completely stop fighting as I can't possibly win, the rebalance is totally off balance.
That's not because I'm to far ahead, I was to far ahead only on one side of my city where I was reaching out to the neighbors. On the other side where I'm exactly where I should be I still can't possibly win and so it's a waste of time to keep trying. I recently tried to fight a battle where all 5 of my squads were gone before I had a chance to take my first shot. Something is very, very wrong with that.

Again, thanks for the constructive ideas as I'd like to be able to fight again.