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Inactive Players / Cities


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know why Inno doesn't remove inactive players that have been inactive for 1+ year(s)? Our AM left and made me ArchMage, so I started looking at other players to recruit, but it hit a streak of players that have been inactive for well over a year. I would think Inno would remove them, since the players have been inactive for so long and it would free up server space for Inno.


As I understand it, once your account has spent Real Money on Diamonds, InnoGames sort of has to keep your city alive to avoid any accusation of theft of services. Sort of like a Gift Card that's in the drawer. But after a year or so the inactive city will be archived, and removed from the map. If the owner returns, the city will placed back on the map just like a brand new city would be, although they'll already have some stuff.

Similar logic applies if you've invested enough TIME to advance your city a couple of chapters, although it won't be archived.
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Well-Known Member
Interesting. I saw accounts that have been inactive since 2019, so maybe if they have spent real money, Inno isn't going to archive them at all anymore.