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    Your Elvenar Team

Is the Tome of Secrets worth it?


i started to play this game a few weeks ago and wonder is the Tome of Secrets is worth the amount of resources required to build.

Is it worth it?


i started to play this game a few weeks ago and wonder is the Tome of Secrets is worth the amount of resources required to build.

Is it worth it?
It's great while you are still scouting. I deleted mine once I stopped scouting on any kind of regular basis. Way, way down the line you'll likely want the space more that the rewards. One very very nice thing about Elvenar is you pretty much can't perma-fark yourself. To me the most important thing is liking the city that I built my way :)

SuNaya Dark

Active Member
The supplies it gives can replace a workshop even at lvl 1. It also does not require population or culture to do so. General consensus is build it as soon as you can and upgrade as often as you can.
Hi. I'm only on Chapter 2, and the Dawn of the Phoenix side game has given me Tome of Secrets at least twice, but I cannot find them anywhere in Summons or the Building areas. I'm not advanced enough (as yet) to build an Ancient Wonders. Is this why I cannot find the Tomes?

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I am not a fan of the Tome of Secrets! Every time I build it because some of the other players on the forum make good points on why to have it, I always end up selling it again. I agree with @Silver Lady, it’s better to wait for the Prosperity Towers.

Most of the AWs are pretty mediocre if they are only level one or two. To get decent use out of them, level six is really the minimum. A Tome at level six means 2 KP every 24 hours, plus the supplies from scouting. And it is the scouting thing that makes this AW lose value, the further you are in the game. I would say once your scouts take over 24 hours, it may be time to think about selling it. By the time scouts takes 48 hours, it is for sure time to dump it. Unless, of course, a player goes crazy with getting extra space. Then there is no real reason for that player to get rid of it.


Buddy Fan Club member
I build it because some of the other players on the forum make good points on why to have it, I always end up selling it
Me, too, lol! I understand the benefit for early chapters: scouting times are short and getting supplies/scout helps. It also gives an AW for excess kp for those short periods of tech lock early on. I just could never get it to work for me! I ended up selling it and building the GA (way before it was really worth the space) for a place to drop excess kp. That may be because I'm conservative with the number of provinces I complete, sticking very close to the number needed for the next chapter. Not scouting much was bound to make it a less viable option for supply production, lol!


I built in my first city but tore it off soon because I wanted to make better use of the space. You can always manage to obtain enough supplies by using the Power of Provision enchantment (which I always have in excess) and giving and receiving neighborly help.

I didn't bother to build it in my two newer cities, where I am also an underscouter.

Deleted User - 593524

Mine is at level 18. I get 4 KP a day and 884k supplies every time a start a scout, which is currently at every 58* hours. I use a lot of supplies with 7 armories. I have no intention of getting rid of it. My opinion is that it helps. Maybe not as much as other AW's but it does. Everyone plays differently. I fight in the tournaments and spire so producing troops takes a lot of supplies.


It depends on the style of the player, of course. ToS helps only if you scout enough to worth it. If you don't scout much and often, you may find a better use for that space. If you have enough magic workshops like I do, the ToS is not necessary even if you produce a lot of troops, like I do.

And if you have parked your cities, like I did, the 4 KPs are useless.


New Member
I used to have a ToS in my chapter 4 city, but I ditched it after a short time because I found a better use for space. As somebody who’s slowed down in scouting and doesn’t really have an issue with lack of supplies, the supplies weren’t really useful. I don’t know how it’s like for late / mid game players and I do know that it has worked for some players, but this is my personal experience.