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    Your Elvenar Team

Join us before the next FA!


We’re a fun fellowship, no-drama, helpful and we’re looking for 1 active player of any size. We promote active, fun and friendly players. We don’t mandate participation, but if you’re looking to just park yourself and not play, we’re not the place to do that.
We reach 10th chest in tourneys every week. We love Spire as well as FA’s and we regularly seek input and feedback from the Fellowship.
Mages vote on policies and more, and we gift KP to our weekly tourney winner.
We have a active KP exchange and hope you’ll take part!
If interested, please reach out to me in game, or simply apply to our Fellowship. Landzend (Recruiting)
I don’t generally answer mail in the forum, so if you get no answer, please reach me in game.