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    Your Elvenar Team

Kanimar seeking spire climbers


New Member
Kanimar was formed by peers from FS's in other worlds, for the purpose of collecting diamonds. Only real requirement is that you climb the spire - gateway at minimum, Lab when you can, and of course higher is even better. We had lost several members due to real life issues, and need some more active players. We have gotten silver for the past 4 weeks. We also do the tourney and FA, but it is not required, and until we get a full complement, we won't be getting near 10 chests or the pit. Visits are nice, but also not required. Right now diamonds are our focus. Our members are very supportive of each other and help each other climb with trades. We would welcome you to give us a try! If it's not for you, we won't be offended :) No need to apply - just hop on board! rufusannie (Annie), AM