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Keep getting kicked off


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if this is where I should post this, but I keep getting kicked in all three of my worlds. I keep all three open in my browser (FF) and I can't switch between tabs without getting kicked and having to log back in. Is this a bug o just a pita game feature?


Well-Known Member
Couple of things to try.

1) Clear your cache. Close and reboot (reopen) your browser. Yeah, it's basic, but it solves a lot of problems.
2) If that doesn't work, follow the steps here: https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/lots-of-game-lagging-complaints.28387/post-229653

Before you do, though, just fyi: there's a solar flare today and if you access the internet via satellite system, that's going to affect you. Your ISP might be sacrificing high... the word I want isn't coming to me. Energy isn't right, but sites that use a lot of bandwidth? I think that's what I'm trying to say - they might be sacrificing access to those sites, so online gaming might not be possible until they've dealt with whatever problems the solar flare caused/is causing.

But if you don't access via satellite, that might not be a concern for you at all.


Well-Known Member