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Layout Help Needed


Heya, I know I can do it on the architect site but I am hoping that someone could help me with suggestions on layout or on how to make my current one better with the amount of space I currently have.


dont look so bad, but try to use both sides of streets as much as possible, so not on borders. get rid of small culture and have all culture that requires no road tucked away somewhere. i fidn the mainhall best situated in the back corner, but any corner will do


Buddy Fan Club member
I had a few minutes to kill waiting on tourney provinces to open up; this is what I came up with. The additional expansion off to the right was only used to hold road squares I ended up selling plus 13 more road squares were sold off. That gives you an additional 1.5 expansions of space from what you had. I kept everything else you had.
Going forward, I'd try to use @amy1234 's suggestions above. I'd work towards moving the MH to a corner, so it would use just 1-2 road squares going away from it to the rest of the city. I might move those WS in the bottom left down a row and replace all that small culture with a Spot of Whispering Trees (until I could earn a better culture bldg from an event, then those trees would be sold off!) Additionally, it's generally most efficient to place expansions in as much of a square as possible. Having spots that 'stick out' from the rest of the city makes it harder to work with as well as unavailable areas between available ones means you can't merge the space as well.
That said, please note I placed the beginnings of your inefficient but oh so necessary unicorn herd on one of those spots sticking out and left room for the next 3 unicorns to go with them! It's most important that you LIKE your city and are having fun with it!


thanks ^_^ I also got rid of some buildings that were unneeded as well. I will be looking over this and make changes. :D ^_^


I can't seem to see that layout for some reason. Says its unavailable.