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    Your Elvenar Team

Leaving Woodelves Chapter


From other chapters, we were required to keep 'some' buildings etc, because of quests in the on-coming Chapter. I haven't noticed any so far in the next Chapter Sorcerers and Dragons. My question is, is there any reason I cannot sell off the Forest Fab. bldg and other fabricator buildings? I really need some room in my 'town' to try and get Wisdom Square and the Campus going.

Thanks in advance for any help,


You were once "required" to keep the guest race portal until you got the quest to sell. That is no longer true, you can sell your entire settlement once you start the next chapter. Once you have started the next chapter, the story questline of the previous chapter becomes declinable. So you can decline any quests you didn't accomplish to get caught back up again :) Only downfall is some of those quests may contain diamonds or other prizes you may want. Check Mykan's guide on story quests to see how far back you are:



Nope, sell them off ASAP and fill the empty space with a few Weeping Willows. S&D requires a lot of mana, so getting a few extra weeks of a couple additional mana buildings is nice. Plus the sale proceeds from all those buildings easily funds 3-4 WWs.