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    Your Elvenar Team

Ledger for the trader


It would be really handy to either have a ledger for the trader, where you could see all the trades you made and all the trades others got from you in one place.

Barring that, it would be great to have notifications when I accept a trade too. I make a lot of trades in a day and it would be great to be able to look back and keep track of them. But, I would like a nice ledger better if we could have one.


I agree. I personally like to keep track of who is accepting my trades because if I am in a bind with goods and need a trade in a hurry, I can go to my notes to see who has accepted the same kind of trades in the past that I need now. And then I can shoot them a message to arrange the trade. But without the game giving me the ability to see this historical information, I have to record it all myself outside of the game, and this is a painstaking, time-consuming process. The game is already processing this information in the form of a notification to the offerer of the trade, so to record the trade information into a historical database table for later lookup would be quite simple. Maybe even email the player a trading statement each month, at which time the historical data could then be deleted from the table.


lol...oh please....no more emails!!!

But yes, the game is already recording this info so the data is readily available. :)