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Let's Create an interactive Bar at the Top of Spire ! Different Themes; let us buy each other Drinks!


New Member
Dear Fellow Players that routinely get to the TOP OF SPIRE: I am in a fellowship (which you can look up), and see that every week, lots of my fellowship members, get to the top of Spire. It would be great if you could somehow create like a Virtual Bar up there and let us see each other's picture and maybe offer a way to use gold and buy each other beers, wine, mead etc. Right now I a see 20 of my fellowship members up at the TOP OF SPIRE. I got up there hours ago and for the final hours of Spire, it would be great to visit with them and donate beers to each other somehow. Maybe and this might take a lot more work, but let us contribute to the World Central Kitchen , which is helping feed folks in Ukraine, at
[MOD EDIT] link removed contact OP if you would like the link

Or any other charity, because some people don't drink in real life. Maybe have a way to buy them soft drinks at the Bar at the Top of Spire. Maybe depending on the Chapter , the Arch Mage is in, let the Fellowship's Arch Marge get to choose a theme for the Bar of the Week at the top of Spire (e.g. a Tiki bar, Karoke Bar , Sports Bar complete with Axe Throwing?) Just an idea , for a small project for your developers to think about? - Farce Master
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