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    Your Elvenar Team

Mark the cities you trade with on the world map.


It would be great if it was shown on the world map in your part of the world the people you have traded with outside and inside your fellowship and neighbors or not neighbors. It would help to see what of your fellowship members are in your area of the map. Also the cities that posted trades but you haven't traded with. This would allow you at a glance see how close your trade partners are so you can determine when and if you can make them neighbors. Seeing that will remind you to visit your neighbors who trade with you. Get people to scout more and go for more provinces. It would help develop a world view strategy.

I know you can visit someone trading with you and then click on the world map and then follow the arrow to you city. But marking them on the map would be a lot easier. Maybe after you have visited and went to their city on the world map it will mark their city map location.


To see all of your trading partners you'd have to display 14 rings to pick up all 200 potential cities.

That would be a 10% zoom and you wouldn't be able to see a thing. You can trial run it if you're using Chrome, by using the Ctrl+Mouse Wheel or the hamburger menu to zoom to 25%. You won't like the results.


That would be alot of information to fit on the world map