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    Your Elvenar Team

Missing a lot of quests, I think


The people in my guild near my score are complaining about having over 20 repeatable quests they have to cycle through, but I only have 8. When they tell me what some of them are, it's no wonder I can't keep up with their score gains. I don't have any related to combat except to complete a province. Half of the ones I do have are kinda really crappy, like making a good that takes 24 hours plus 12000 supplies. Why would I take such a quest when I can get 2-4 times the goods and supplies doing everything 3 hour style? Anyway, is there a way for someone to see what's up with my quests? Or have I done something wrong?

Oh, here's this stuff though I don't know if it's pertinent to this bug:

Game version: __ 0.28.1954-69052f4-(master) (2015-11-03 11:42)
Game world: __Arendyll
Browser + version: __Chrome Version 46.0.2490.80 m
Flash Player version: __19,0,0,226
Operating System: __Windows 10
Screen resolution: __1680x1050
Account name: __Skritch
Humans or Elves: __Elves
Hardware Acceleration: OFF

Reproducibility: _5_/5
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