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Missing coins while visiting neighbors


Unlike a post I've read about not getting the proper amount of coins. When I visit certain neighbors I get NO coins and just goods and only certain neighbors.
I reported the opposite problem in Beta. There I will get ONLY coins and no goods and again it is only certain neighbors.


Hi frantastic -

While coins should always been awarded from neighborly helps - supplies are only awarded if the player has recently helped you as well. If they aren't actively assisting you, you won't get supplies from helping them.

How often do you encounter not getting any coins?

Which buildings are you helping?


Any chance that the Coin storage in your Main Hall was capped out??


Actually it was only receiving goods (not supplies) and no coins..and just specific people. Was having the opposite problem in Beta getting coins and no goods but that has cleared up there.

Any chance that the Coin storage in your Main Hall was capped out??
No had room for coins in main hall...the next neighbor worked just like normal coins and goods When Main Hall is full it prompts if you want to continue without the full # of coins.
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Unfortunately, we have not been able to reproduce this issue.

If anyone else experiences this issue, or can provide more reproduction steps, please let us know. :)